My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 985: final confession

 Chapter 985 The Final Confession

Yu Anran grabbed the letter and pressed it to his chest. Tears couldn't stop falling. He was so sad that he couldn't make a sound while crying.

"how so."

how so…

 She knew Beiye's feelings for her, but with her indifferent nature, she even suspected that Beiye's obsession with her was just an unfulfilled obsession and a desire to conquer.

 However, there is no simple desire to conquer that can make people remember every bit of emotion in their hearts for seven years, or even a lifetime.

 “Why is this happening? Huh?”

She wanted to know, and really wanted to ask this question in front of him, but she knew that she would never have the courage.

 After reading this letter, I asked her how to say unfeeling words again in the future.


Muttering that name silently in her heart, she closed her eyes tightly and cried until she was sobbing.

If anyone saw her at this moment, they might be shocked by her expression of pain and grief.

 It turned out that I only envied Ye Youyi's pure and beautiful love from childhood to adulthood. She could have been happy. But God is not discerning and took away a woman's right to be a mother and left her with this overwhelmed body. How could she be with Kitano? How could she be worthy of that share? Nostalgic and affectionate?

 It’s really heartbreaking.

 She felt like her brain was in a mess, and the pain in her heart overwhelmed her physical pain. She could not find a way to cure her.

It was as if she had drawn an unbreakable prison cell beside herself. Kitano gave her a map to guide her, but no one could take her out except herself.

 Sad in one place, lovesick in two.

  She thought Bei Ye was gone, but in fact he was not.

Even though he knew that she had woken up safely, Kitano refused to leave her for even a moment.

  The appearance of being in excruciating pain again and again, and the appearance of lying in his arms while fainting and unable to wake up. Every time he thought of that scene, he felt extremely anxious and irritable.

 Anxious because he was worried about Yu Anran's body, and irritable because he couldn't empathize with her and bear the pain for her.

Bei Ye felt like his head was going to be ruined!

That letter took him three full hours to write. He wrote it all according to his deepest and most sincere feelings. He didn't even check or modify it, and kept his feelings as they were.

 This is his last resort in the most straightforward way!

 If it still fails, then he...

Then what can he do?

 When this question came to mind, Kitano seemed to be relieved.

 What is he struggling with?

 No matter whether Yu Anran will accept him or not, he will no longer use the "stalking" method to pursue women as before, but will use a new method to guard her silently.

 As long as you can see her from time to time, know her current situation, and help her live a better and happier life, that is enough.

 Suddenly I figured something out, and Bei Ye felt like he had a great enlightenment.

  The person who has been hidden in your heart for seven years, then hold her at the top of your heart forever.

After thinking about it, Kitano specifically contacted Ye Weiwei.

Of course he knew that Ye Weiyi could also have a relationship with Gu Chengxi, but he did not deliberately entrust Ye Weiyi with that matter because he wanted to protect Yu Anran in his own way.

“Qiao Li, thank you very much for the help you provided to me before.”

 “No thanks, I’m not doing this for you.”

 “Thanks anyway, but in the future…”


 “There will be no need to go out of your way to match people in the future.”

 (End of this chapter)

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