My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 987: Friend's name likes you (spoiler)

Chapter 987: My friend’s name likes you (spoiler)


Hearing his voice before seeing him, Gong Qianli stepped forward and caught Nangong Luo. Her reflex arc was faster than anyone else.

Ye Weiwei sighed.

When I saw the two of them getting along together, I felt happy to see it work out. Now that things have become so complicated, Gong Qianli himself has no idea about love affairs, but Nangong Luo's performance is very obvious!

 As a friend, she didn’t know how to solve this dilemma, so she could only pretend that she didn’t know anything.

“Okay, to celebrate Liuli’s discharge from the hospital, let’s go out for a dinner?”

“Won’t Auntie urge you to go back tonight?”

 “She traveled abroad.”

"How can you travel abroad when you are already getting married..." Gong Qianli said bluntly, but she stopped speaking mid-sentence.

Every family has a sutra that is difficult to recite, and as a friend it is not easy for her to intervene, so she just laughs and fools around.

Gong Qianli clapped her hands and said, "Then you're free, let's go have a dinner date!"

Hooking Ye Yiyi's hand and walking for two steps, she suddenly turned her head and asked in Ye Yiyi's ear: "Can I bring someone with me?"

 “Who is it?” He asked subconsciously, but he quickly responded, “You mean Gu Chengxi?”

“Yes, yes, think about it, if I invite him to dinner in the name of thanking him, we can spend more time together.”

 “No, the three of us are fine.”

"This is a rare opportunity. If I invite you alone, he will definitely not agree!"

"Even if he comes with us, he may not agree..." Gu Chengxi's temperament is really unpredictable, and he often rejects people thousands of miles away.

  They are all attracted to three men, and they are not looking for a girlfriend even though they are the oldest and the youngest.

I heard Ye Xichen say before that Gu Chengxi avoided women and cared about male friends the most. She had once suddenly wondered whether Gu Chengxi was gay...

Although it turned out not to be the case in the end, it was also true that Gu Chengxi didn’t like contact with women.

 “Let me try it, in case it works.”

 “Alas…” I patted my forehead with one hand, feeling really helpless.

 “Hey, you guys wait here for a moment, I’ll be right back.”



Gong Qianli turned around and ran away without any explanation.

  Ye Weiwei and Nangong Luo were left standing there. Nangong Luo was particularly sensitive to the word "make an appointment" that she said before leaving.

Nangong Luo looked at Ye Weiwei and asked, "Who is she going to date?"

Ye Weiwei opened his mouth slightly, but before he could answer, Nangong Luo should have added the answer, "It's Gu Chengxi."

 Ye Weiwei bit her lip and nodded silently.

Nangong Luo grinned slightly, and that indescribable smile looked...a little angry, but more helpless, and seemed to be a bit self-deprecating.

 “Okay, I get it.”

“Brother Nangong, Liuli actually just wants to thank him.”

"I know what she has in mind." Nangong Luo shook his head and raised his hand to pat Ye Youyi's shoulder, "Sister Youyi, you can make an appointment with them for dinner. Brother has something to do today, so I'll leave first. Wait for her... Say thank you when they come out."

 “Hey, Brother Nangong…”

 Can't stop shouting, no one can stop shouting.

As soon as Gong Qianli left, Nangong Luo left.

 She could not empathize with it, but she could imagine the feeling.

She thought that Nangong Luo was also very aware of Gong Qianli's obsession with wasting time on Gu Chengxi, so he didn't dare to express his feelings to Gong Qianli.

I have been staying by her side in the name of a friend, but I am afraid that in the end I won’t even be a friend at all.

Just to reveal the plot: at the wedding three days later, Nangong Luo will propose to Liuli!



 (End of this chapter)

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