My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 989: He who protects you

Chapter 989 He who protects you

Ye Weiwei looked back in the direction of Gong Qianli while talking and laughing, and saw the goods above her head were crumbling.

 “Liu Li, be careful!”

Unaware of the danger, Gong Qianli raised her elbow back and bumped into the cargo. The piled items fell down. Gu Chengxi, who was closest to her, stepped in to help her out in time, but suffered a heavy blow to her back.

 A slightly larger box fell and hit Gu Chengxi on the back, rolling to the ground.

Then there was another loud noise, and Nangong Luo's arm was seen blocking Gong Qianli's top, and a small box fell at his feet.

Gong Qianli just raised his head and focused all his attention on Gu Chengxi, "How are you?"

Gu Chengxi released her whole body and let go of her hand, but when he stood upright, he was slightly bent and frowned slightly.

Gong Qianli noticed the subtle changes in his expression and hurriedly supported him, "Go sit next to him and take a look."

Gu Chengxi waved her hand away indifferently, "No need."

"You were hurt because of me, how could I ignore it!" Gong Qianli is the kind of person who has a sense of justice in his heart. When he cares about Gu Chengxi, it's not because he likes him. If another stranger gets hurt because of him, , she will do the same.

 But these meticulous concerns of hers have different meanings in the eyes of some people.

Nangong Luo slowly lowered his hand and watched Gong Qianli follow Gu Chengxi away before retracting his distant gaze.

Ye Weiwei poked Ye Xichen, and the couple walked towards Nangong Luo.

Ye Xichen was the first to speak, "How are you?"

Nangong Luo shook his head.

 Turn around and leave without saying a word.

Ye Weiwei wanted to call him out, but then she thought that no matter what she said to him at this time, it would be useless. It would be better to let him calm down.

 Several people who were having a good conversation just now went in different directions.

Ye Xichen called the staff to pack up the things here.

From their explanation, the site has been fully arranged, and the boxes stacked here are some excess items that have not had time to be cleaned up.

When packing things, Ye Weiwei took a closer look.

The box that smashed Gu Chengxi was quite big, and the box that rolled down at Nangong Luo's feet was small, but it contained something solid and was quite heavy.

Recalling the scene that just happened, she was staring at Gong Qianli and saw Gu Chengxi pulling Gong Qianli into his arms to block her at the critical moment. Nangong Luo raised his hand at that time to block her. Got that little box?

If the small box fell, it might hit Gong Qianli's head.

“So was Brother Nangong injured just now? Brother Chen, did you see clearly?”

Ye Weiwei was a little anxious to hear the answer.

Ye Xichen lowered his eyes and nodded in her doubtful eyes.

 He could clearly see everything that happened just now.

Gong Qianli bumped into the goods at first, and Gu Chengxi pulled her away to block the big box for her. At that time, Nangong Luo was a little far away, but he subconsciously rushed over, but it was a pity that he was a step too late.

 But before the big box fell, the small box brought out was aimed at the head and fell.

If it hits the head, I'm afraid it will cause blood.

It was Nangong Luo who blocked the disaster for her.

It's a pity that Gong Qianli only saw Gu Chengxi being hit on the back by a box because of her, but did not notice that Nangong Luo injured his hand.

“Then why didn’t you say anything and let Brother Nangong go on his own?”

"is that useful?"

 (End of this chapter)

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