My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 991: Nangong Luo’s injury

Chapter 991 Nangong Luo’s Injury

After so many years, Gu Chengxi was finally willing to express his attitude towards Gong Qianli's pursuit, "Don't waste your time on me."

 “How can you say it’s a waste? You’re all hurting because of me.”

 “That’s not what I’m talking about.”

 He was talking about feelings.

Hearing this sentence, Gong Qianli's expression became slightly serious, "Doing something that you think is meaningful is not a waste."

Gu Chengxi thinks, “That would be very boring.”

Gong Qianli retorted plausibly, "I have the final say whether it means something or not. After all, I am the one who pays."

Gu Chengxi glanced at her and then looked away, and said four words meaningfully, "Can't understand."

These words were so strange that even Gong Qianli couldn't help but said, "Doctor Gu, you see that you have been single for so many years and haven't found a girlfriend. Do you really dislike women? Or do you think you haven't found your destined love?"

Gu Chengxi told her coldly, "I don't care about love or love."

"Ha." Gong Qianli chuckled and replied from a tricky angle, "That means you haven't met anyone who makes your heart beat."

 As long as she doesn’t like others, she has a chance.

"Doctor Gu, look at who is as infatuated as me. He has been pursuing me for many years and is still full of fighting spirit. If you say you don't consider me, you will soon regret it for the rest of your life."

Gong Qianli tried to tease her, but Gu Chengxi, who was so cold and cold, would not take the bait at all. Instead, he bluntly retorted her with two words: "No."

 I won’t regret it, because I don’t like it and I’m not tempted.

Gong Qianli didn't feel sad after hearing this, but she still felt a slight sense of loss in her heart, probably because she couldn't get what she asked for.

 But she will not be depressed about one thing. At most, she will be sad and regain her full fighting spirit in no more than ten seconds!

"Dr. Gu, I'm still young and have plenty of time. As long as you don't have someone you like, it means I always have a chance." She winked at him mischievously, her smart look full of energy.

Gu Chengxi suddenly felt that he saw a kind of vitality in such a energetic girl that he could not possibly have.

 It is the feeling of being active in the bright sunshine and always shining, which makes people feel warm and yearning.

Gu Chengxi pressed his forehead with one hand and sighed slightly.

How could he have such a strange idea? I'm really confused.

While the doctor was applying medicine to Gu Chengxi, Gong Qianli stood outside and received a call from Nangong Luo.

Nangong Luo’s first sentence was to ask: “How is Brother Gu doing over there?”

"I've seen it. It's nothing serious. I just got a little red after being hit. Gu Chengxi loves face. I told you quietly."

“Liu Li, I’m injured too, why don’t you come to care about me?”

"Are you injured? How are you injured? Don't make trouble for me. When I'm done, I'll treat you to dinner later."

"Really, there is such a good thing, then I should look forward to your treat?"

"Tsk, look at you like this. When I finish the job, I'll ask you wherever you point me!" Gong Qianli said "ruthlessly", which shows that she is very determined to do it!

 “Hiss…” Nangong Luo took a breath of cold air.

Gong Qianli didn't hear clearly and hung up the phone after saying a few words.

Nangong Luo put the phone away, and a doctor in a white coat next to him was disinfecting and applying medicine to his bleeding wound.

“Young man, are you calling your girlfriend?”


   Feel sorry for me, Luo Dian, ouch



 (End of this chapter)

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