My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 995: Nangong Luo proposes marriage

Chapter 995 Nangong Luo proposes marriage

 Their wedding was for the fulfillment of dreams and blessings, and they did not need to follow rigid rules every step of the way.

Mrs. Ye was considerate of the pregnant Ye Weiyi and directly asked Ye Xichen to take her to the wedding venue.

 The wedding venue was full of guests, and those who could come here were all related to the Ye family or prominent figures.

Their wedding was not broadcast live to the media, but they hired a professional photographer to take photos of the entire event.

  The host came to the stage to deliver a speech, and the bride and groom appeared on the stage under the eyes of everyone who was looking forward to it.

 For them, the wedding vows were not just what they said, but what they had already done.

  Consensus, whether poor or rich, will always accompany you until you grow old.

 When the changing music sounds, the bridesmaid and the best man present the rings.

Gong Qianli glanced at Nangong Luo. He seemed to be hiding something?

But there was no time to explore. The two presented the bride's ring, and the bride and groom kissed affectionately amidst everyone's cheers.

 Speeches from loved ones, the ceremony is done!

 The whole audience applauded continuously to express their blessing to the newlyweds.

“Today, there is another interesting part, that is, our most beautiful and happiest bride will pass the bouquet in her hand to the next lucky person!”

 “Still holding flowers.”

Gong Qianli pulled Yu Anran together, and Yu Anran shook his head at her.

"Feel sorry."

 “It doesn’t matter, just go ahead and hope you can grab it.”


Gong Qianli raised a smile and nodded. From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the person behind Yu Anran. She approached Yu Anran and whispered a few words, "Anran doesn't need to hold a bouquet. Look back at the person behind you."

After hearing her words, Yu Anran looked back slightly and saw Bei Ye leaning against the pillar at the back. She knew who his eyes were on without even looking at each other.

 In the area where the bouquets are thrown, the unmarried girls move forward and stand close to the bride, while everyone else comes last.

"Thank you for coming to my wedding. I hope you will all be the next lucky ones." Ye Weiwei simply said a few words and turned his back to them.




She turned her back to everyone, raised her hand and threw the bouquet high into the air, and the girls behind her reached out to catch it.

 Some people are just pretending, while others really like this part and want to get a good sign.

 “The bouquet is mine!”

Among the girls present, who is as nimble as Gong Qianli? With one leap and stretch of her hand, she grabbed the bouquet from a high place, causing the others to sigh in disappointment.

 “I grabbed it.”

Ye Weiwei walked down from the stage, stood in front of Gong Qianli, and said mysteriously: "Bless you, Liuli."

This was originally a normal blessing, but the only look in Gong Qianli's eyes that night had a special meaning.

 The big-hearted Gong Qianli didn't notice it yet.

 She said this to Ye Weiwei, and for a moment she didn't notice that the people on the red carpet behind her were gradually opening up.

 “Gong Qianli.”

Suddenly she heard someone calling her name, and Gong Qianli, who was holding a bouquet of flowers, turned around.

Nangong Luo was the only one left on the red carpet facing her.

Nangong Luo walked towards her with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

 Seeing that familiar face, Gong Qianli seemed to suddenly realize something and took a step back unconsciously.

 But this time, Nangong Luo did not stop or check out, and the smile on his face remained.

He walked to Gong Qianli without hesitation and knelt down on one knee, "Can you give me a chance to take care of you and be my girlfriend?"

 (End of this chapter)

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