My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 205: Find Rong NATO P for her

She can guarantee that she can win the award! ?

Fortunately, I am proud of my chest, and others thought that An Ge'er was bound to win, but the result, the result! ?

What a slap in the face!

But after all, she is not the most regrettable about Su Chen! ?

It wasn't that she played with him and made her anxious enough. It's really that the emperor didn't rush the eunuch.

"Sister Thirteen..."

An Ge'er curled her lips, she was also very wronged.

"Are you stupid? I told you that Fu Liangsheng would choose a role among the award-winning actresses, and he would act with Su Chen, Su Chen, Su Chen, do you know it!"

Tang Shisan was very excited when he mentioned Su Chen, and when she thought of such a good opportunity to let An Ge'er throw it away for nothing, she couldn't get angry!

An Geer watched that Tang Shisan was about to beat her with her bag, and immediately avoided, and then Lai Haw pulled her arm alive and hard. In Tang Shisan's angry but helpless eyes, she said firmly, "Ten Third sister, don't worry, I will definitely win the opportunity to act with Su Chen."

Tang Shisan's expression didn't look good. Instead, he glared at her and reprimanded, "You can be sure of it, unless Su Chen agrees to have a chance, but you want him to agree!? Do you know who he is? You even He can't get close, and I want him to agree. Go in your dreams!"

Not to mention that fools now see that the boss and An Ge'er have a conflict. No matter how Su Chen is the superstar of the Uranus, he is also a person from M Media. Rong Bei said that he would not allow it, and Su Chen would not be able to agree.

Tang Shisan didn't know what to say after thinking about it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yeah, if the president lets Su Chen act with you, wouldn't there be a chance!?" Tang Shisan immediately felt like he was beaten up, "An Ge'er, let me tell you, you can't hold on to our president. -The bait must be taken! You must take this position."

An Geer almost vomited blood when he heard the words.

What an international joke.

Let her deceive-lure Rongbei! ?

"Have you heard, did you hear?" Tang Shisan said, and then took out the phone tightly, and muttered, "No, I have to talk to the president now."

"Say what?"

"Say you want to make an appointment with him at night."

An Geer: "......!!!"

Just sell her out! ? rub! Humanity too! ?

An Ge'er snatched the phone and refused to give it to him. Tang Shisan went to **** it, but the two clamored, but suddenly ran into one person.


A woman's scream sounded.

Xu Wei held on to the wall to stabilize the body that was nearly hit. She was about to reprimand, but she saw An Ge'er and Empress Tang Thirteen, her face changed slightly, especially when she looked at An Ge'er, she raised her eyebrows, "That's it. Envy, jealous, or hate? It’s just an award. You are so eager that your sister will let her down and give you the opportunity next time, so why bother to retaliate like this."

Tang Shisan wanted to say something to be sorry, but when he heard Xu Wei babbling like a machine gun, he immediately became amused and made his face strained. "Look at what it is saying. Some people are getting older and don’t give it. How can these honors soothe the aging face that is maintained by botulinum toxin hyaluronic acid?"

As she said, she raised her eyebrows again, "Tsk, unlike our An Ge'er, who is too young to wait for it to pinch the water tenderly, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Tang Shisan said that he really started to pinch An Ge'er's white and tender face. An Ge'er almost laughed angrily by her, and opened her ravaged-rule hand--

"Sister Thirteen, why did you say that Sister Xu Wei pinched me? You know I was bullied by my young age."

These two people sang a harmony, and it was really deep between the tangible and the intangible, which greatly stimulated Xu Wei!

Because you know, she is 27 years old this year.

Even, even one year older than Bo Yan. This is Xu Wei's fatal stalk. An Ge'er is eight years younger than Bo Yan. Compared to her, she is so tender. Listen to them both saying that.

She was really angry with a mouthful of old blood stuck in her throat.

Especially when she got so angry, the two of them were still playing around and didn't take her seriously. Faced with this scene, Xu Wei was really angry with her heart.

Xu Wei took a deep breath, held back her face that was about to burst, and said coldly to An Ge'er, "Little girl, there are some things my sister wants to advise you, and some things, some people you are not yours, so don't try to get them. , Otherwise it hurts others and yourself, besides, haven't you ever thought about how the other person feels?"

There is no deep meaning in this statement.

She believed in her heart that An Ge'er had been unruly with Bo Yan, and deliberately created some opportunities in his home to try to seduce Bo Yan because of her identity.

Although she didn't believe that Bo Yan would accept all this, she couldn't accept it as a woman who had loved Bo Yan for many years.

Bo Yan was abstinent and cold, and there were no women around her. She always thought that as long as she persisted, her future position would definitely belong to her, but when she saw this girl living in Bo Yan's house as a little niece.

She was actually upset.

I was even afraid that Bo Yan would really be taken away by this little fairy.

But what is that, it is indecent love.

If it does happen, then there is no result, but if it is exposed, it will definitely end badly.

All of Bo Yan's reputation will probably be criticized from all walks of life.

She couldn't let this little girl harm Bo Yan.

Tang Shisan raised her eyebrows, she couldn't understand Xu Wei's words, and she glanced at An Ge'er in surprise.

What is this stinky girl hiding from her?

An Ge'er dodged Tang Shisan's sight, a little guilty.

But in the face of Xu Wei, she spread her hands, smiled swiftly, then blinked, and said innocently, "Is that right, that’s not a coincidence, I am very selfish, I never cared about other people’s feelings, so you are worried Sorry... it all happened."

Sorry, it all happened.

Especially the last four words, speaking slowly, but also meaningful.

She could see through Xu Wei at a glance. Isn't she just worried that she will steal her uncle?

There is no way, she just wants to occupy this man.

She used to think that he was her own brother-in-law, she was already a little bit eager, but since she knew that she had no blood relationship, she could no longer control the evil, abstinent love-desire-in her heart.

Crazy growth.

When Xu Wei heard it, her delicate face instantly turned pale, her eyes widened, she seemed to look at An Ge'er like an incredible.

real or fake.

What she said is true!

An Ge'er really did things that shouldn't have happened with Bo Yan?

No, it's terrible.

She doesn't believe it.

Envy and disbelief shrouded in Xu Wei's eyes for an instant, and a flash of madness flashed through her, and she snarled, "Did you lie to me? Bo Yan is not that kind of person at all, did you shamelessly seduce-lure him!?"

Tang Shisan: (⊙o⊙)…………


There is a lot of information, uncle and niece, seduce-seduce, what the hell?

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