My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 208: Watch love action movies together

"Who said that the result is not important, the important process? You said that you like acting because you can experience different life styles and give souls to various roles. This is the charm of acting, but now, you are still like this Huh?"

When An Ge'er heard it, my heart suddenly shocked.

Indeed, yes.

This was her original idea, her original intention, and she had never thought of any reward or honor.

"But, but..."

"But you are still unwilling to feel that they have snatched your award?" He raised his eyebrows.

An Ge'er held back her words and looked at him with wide eyes.

There was a flash of surprise.

It turned out that my uncle knew everything.

"But if there is something to prove yourself, wouldn't it be better?" An Ge'er muttered in defense, but the momentum was weak after all.

Hearing this, Bo Yan looked at him with clear eyes, "So I told you that this is a very messy place. The strength is not as powerful as the power, and there is no background. You want to climb up, don't you know how to mess with it?"

An Ge'er's words were suddenly blocked.

A word can't be said.


My uncle had long told her that the entertainment industry is not a holy place, but the opposite is true.

And she also said at the beginning that she doesn't need to rely on anyone, she just wants to do something she likes, nothing more...

But the fact is, if there is no uncle, how can she come to this step safely?

It's just...people are really greedy.

Bo Yan suddenly touched her head and said softly, "But you don't need to be so realistic. If you act really well, when everyone recognizes you, it doesn't matter if you have an award or not."

An Ge'er raised her eyes to look at him, and suddenly flashes of peach blossom eyes flashed.

It seemed to understand a lot in an instant.

"Uncle, thank you, I understand."

Indeed, if she was truly recognized by everyone on the day, she wouldn't care about the awards. Now she wants to win awards to prove herself. This is not confident enough. This is probably putting the cart before the horse.

Bo Yan didn't speak any more, only the corners of his lips raised slightly.

An Ge'er turned to watch the movie, but still had one thing in mind.

That's Su Chen's business.

How would she get this opportunity! ?

I sighed in my heart, stopped thinking about it, and watched the movie seriously. The movie is a classic romance.

The pictures of love in the Middle Ages are particularly beautiful, and the love story is also very moving. In fact, An Geer is not willing to watch romance movies, but she lacks experience in emotional drama, so she has to learn.

Of course, she was fascinated by it.

The style of painting in the movie suddenly changed at some point.

The rich heroine and the handsome poor boy and the male lead eloped. The passion of the two people was touched. Because they eloped, they were sleeping at night. They hugged each other. As a result, they hugged, and their eyes became affectionately hot. The flap began to be attracted uncontrollably.

An Ge'er's face flushed suddenly.

It's fine to watch the plot alone, but there is an elder around him.

An Ge'er's heart was beating chaotically, her eyes flickered, just thinking about the storyline, but she didn't want to, the heroine's clothes began to fall off, although she didn't show the full camera, she could still see the handsome male lead eagerly kiss She slid her lips and neck all the way down, finally buried in the heroine’s chest...

The unbearable voice passed through the screen in the silent night.

An Ge'er's cheeks were already red at this time, and she lowered her head slightly, a little bit embarrassed to go to the movie.

At night, under the tree, there is a lake not far away.

The heroine walked in front with her back naked, looked back, smiled slightly, allure, but An Ge'er's heart suddenly tightened, how could this be completely taken off, even though she was from her back, it was also another woman's.

An Ge'er subconsciously raised her eyes to look at the man holding her, as if she didn't want him to see it like that, unexpectedly.

She just took a sneak peek.

But he didn't want to. The man's slender and dark eyes were looking at her for a moment, and his slender and light eyes were charming, charming, and affectionate. His own look was hit by him.

An Ge'er blushed with a swish.

Little hands pinched the blanket on her body, and didn't know where to put it.

He, why has he been watching her.

At this time, An Ge'er's mood has been completely confused, her IQ is high, but EQ can be inversely proportional.

Especially at this time, there was a sudden uncontrollable gasp in the movie.

One after another.

He glanced subconsciously, but was even more affected by the picture, wishing to pass out.

On the screen, on the shore of the lake, two figures in the water, like mandarin ducks crossing their necks in the cold moonlight, are inextricably difficult and eager to leave.

Beautiful and romantic.

An Ge'er couldn't sit still, let alone leaning against her uncle's arms, she was nervously sweating out a thin layer.

Just about to get up, but he didn't want to be caught by his waist.


"Huh? What's wrong, my uncle." An Ge'er dodges his eyes and asks embarrassingly.

Bo Yan's slender fingertips slid under her palm as if something seemed to be nothing, and the numbness of the sensation made her frightened. He only heard him suddenly ask, "I heard that you really want to act with Su Chen?"

An Ge'er heard this, and Huo Ran looked up at him.

It seems a little surprised, what do you mean, does the younger uncle mean to help her?

Of course, in the next second, An Ge'er knew that he was thinking too simple...


This is Chi Guoguo's unspoken rules.


When An Ge'er came out of the basement and went upstairs, he was carried up. Although the last step was still not crossed, she was still tortured by a jealous man.

Bo Yan left after setting her up.

Before leaving, he promised him to go to bed earlier one by one, but after he hadn't walked for a long time, An Geer quickly got up, turned on the computer, typed something in the dense code, and finally entered a certain page.

Bo Yan went to the study instead of going back to the bedroom.

Leng Jue and his video.

"Cobra is now trapped in City A. He can't escape, but we still can't determine his specific location. What to do? This person has always been vicious and treacherous. I'm afraid he will use some means to escape."

Leng Jue twisted her eyebrows, her stern face looked particularly solemn in the night of the military camp over there.

Cobra is the number one person in the BT organization in Somalia.

The BT organization smuggled arms, sold drugs, and even launched terrorist attacks in Country Z. He did nothing. He had been staring at this cancer for a long time, but before that, it had grown like a virus like crazy.

"Wait first, his purpose in coming to City A is really just to find a doctor to develop the TT8 virus?"

When they heard that Cobra had come, they were investigating people who had contacted him, but when they found the doctor, he was dead. During that time, Cobra had a chance to leave, but he stayed in City A.

How is this going?

Is it possible to find someone or do you want to do something?

Until now, his situation has become more and more dangerous and he cannot escape.

"I feel it's not just that simple." Leng Yue shook her head, her lips pressed tightly.

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