My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 210: 218

Yes, sorry.

I'm still sorry for any more reasons.

It is useless to explain, she still has to leave.

An Ge'er saw that she didn't say anything, turned around and went out. As soon as she took a step, she shouted, "Hold on! Where are you going to get out of here!?"

When An Ge'er went out, Tang Shisan couldn't help catching up to get angry, "Why are you so noble, didn't you promise me that you will get the opportunity to meet Su Chen?! Even if you don't want to accompany that big-color-devil president , Will not leave here in breach of contract!?"

An Ge'er suddenly stood still. The only person she felt guilty was Tang Shisan. She turned around, but when she saw the person behind her, her face suddenly became weird.

Tang Shisan was pinching his waist there, and continued to shout, but when she saw An Ge'er's eyes were not looking at her at all, but directly behind her, her back suddenly felt cold.

Turning his head slowly.

Outside, the delicate and enchanting face, the corners of his lips were still slightly hooked, but the smile made people particularly chilling.

Xu Wei was still standing beside him.


Xu Wei came to him at this time, and An Ge'er and Tang Shisan guessed what was going on when they rolled their eyes.


"Da Se-President Demon?"

Rong Bei raised his eyebrows.

Tang Shisan straightened his back abruptly, "No, no, no, President, you got it wrong, I'm not talking about you."

"Who is that?!"

Rong Bei's gaze fell on An Ge'er's face, his face becoming more and more gloomy, did he hear it right?

She actually wants to terminate the contract?

She is leaving the company?

An Ge'er shrank subconsciously when he saw it. It was simply a conditioned reflex. She was afraid of him, but it was so good that it was a company with a lot of people, and he couldn't treat himself in broad daylight.

She cast a calm glance at him pretendingly, "Why not save yourself a little face? You have to admit that you are willing to say that?"

Tang Shisan twitched his eyes and rubbed--!

This Nizi is crazy.

I won't leave myself any further.

Rong Bei smiled wickedly and dangerously, and then coldly glanced at Tang Shisan and Xu Wei next to him, "You go first, I, the president of the big sex-devil, have some personal affairs and my little employees, have a good talk. '."

The last three words, he almost gritted his teeth.

As soon as Tang Shisan moved under her feet, An Ge'er quickly grabbed her arm and pretended to be indifferent with her heart tightened, "Sorry, I have nothing to do with you now, so I have terminated the contract."

An Geer waved the cancellation letter in his hand.

The uncle of the contract cancellation book helped her handle it, but Rong Bei frowned unexpectedly when he saw it.

Immediately meaningful, narrow and narrow eyes looked at her coolly, "Which money owner has it taken care of? Give it 500 million for breach of contract?"

An Ge'er suddenly widened his eyes, what did he say? !

Five hundred million! ?

Tang Shisan was also dumbfounded. Whatever the circumstances, other people's breach of contract was 50 million yuan, why is An Ge'er so expensive! ?

An Geer quickly flipped through the contract. After seeing that it was ten times the liquidated damages of ordinary people, she suddenly held her breath in her throat.


I was calculated.

He signed with himself before, and he had a plan and strategy. For a small star, 50 million is an unimaginable number, let alone 500 million. He proposed this number, clearly because he did not want to terminate the contract may.


He still miscalculated...

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