My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 226: Strange woman on the plane

As for that man, they have been looking for him for so long. This person is extremely dangerous. If he misses it like this, I don’t know how many more troubles there will be...

A Dong made up a good idea, and while quietly following the man, he quickly called his boss and Colonel Leng.

A Dong dialed Leng Jue's number first, and immediately told him the situation here, and the latter immediately brought people over after inquiring.

When I contacted Bo Yan again, it was already seven or eight minutes later, "Boss, I saw Cobra, right at the airport."

The pupils of Bo Yan over there shrank immediately, "Is there anything wrong with her!?"

Even without mentioning his name, Adong knew that he was talking about An Ge'er.

A Dong immediately replied, "It's okay, the little lady is already on the plane."

Unexpectedly, when he said this, Bo Yan not only didn't let his heart go, but his face changed suddenly and his voice was cold, "You are not with her now!?"

When A Dong heard this, his heart suddenly trembled...

Only then did he realize that his mission this time was to protect the little lady.

"Old, boss, I'm following Cobra, I told others in Los Angeles to wait there." Adong said with a lack of confidence.

However, Bo Yan's face was pale, thin lips pressed tightly, and a few words popped out for a long time, "If she has any accident, you know what she will end up!"

At the end of the story, without waiting for Adong's reply, Bo Yan directly pushed back the process with a gloomy face, and was going to take the special plane to wait for her.

At the same time, A Dong's back shivered instantly.

At this moment he realized that he might have done something wrong.


An Ge'er got on the plane alone.

Only the moment she got on the plane, she only felt her right eyelid jump a few times.

This is a medium-sized passenger plane that flew directly to Los Angeles, USA. Because of the short time, she was in business class. She was leaning against the window, and there was no one on her right hand side. When the plane was about to take off, a shadow of people appeared.

An Ge'er had originally hung his head slightly and planned to take the opportunity to take a break. Hearing the movement and opening it subconsciously, a pair of black short leather boots came into view.

Wearing boots on such a hot day?

An Ge'er closed her eyes again, but didn't want the footsteps to stop by her side, and then sat down on her right hand side. At that moment, An Ge'er could clearly hear the gum chewing in her mouth. The voice of her, as well as the clearly felt her leg up, almost kicking her leg.

An Ge'er frowned faintly, still couldn't help but open her eyes and glanced at the people around her.

She raised her head and looked over, but with this glance, she couldn't help being surprised.

She thought that the person sitting down might be a vulgar upstart or something, but she did not expect it to be a young woman with a demon-faced face.

She was only a few years older than her, in her early twenties.

She wore sunglasses, only a military green tight-fitting tank top, and a pair of tight black leather pants on her lower body. She wrapped her big slender legs and short leather boots. She looked very simple and casual.

On the arm that came down the shoulder, there was a demon flower tattooed, and An Ge'er knew it was a poppy flower.

She was humming a little tune at this time, a chewing gum popped in her mouth, and her long black hair reached her shoulders. She seemed to behave in a wild, but inexplicably weird manner.

After all, it is strange to describe a woman as bohemian. To be precise, she doesn't care about her image.

At this time, I knew An Ge'er was looking at her, and suddenly turned his head to look at her——

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