My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 234: A **** scene

The people in the first class and the business class have been pushed into the economy class by those people, all gathered together.

She has no problem dealing with those people.

But if it hurts innocent people, she can't help it.

Along the way, Fu Jiu didn’t see any other Asian men’s accomplices. When she got outside the economy class, the blinds blocked her sight. She quietly squatted in the corner of the door. From under the blinds, she saw the original sitting The people in the economy class seats held their hands, while the other people who came in from first class and business class squatted on the ground with their heads in their heads.

Some depressed crying faintly came...

After all, such a terrible thing happened after they were awakened in their dreams, which filled their hearts with fear and despair.

As long as Fu Jiu acted, he suddenly felt footsteps behind him, and he was about to shoot when he turned his head, but when he saw someone coming, he was startled.

"Didn't you hide, what are you doing now?!"

Fu Jiu lowered his voice and twisted his eyebrows to look at her.

An Ge'er shook her head, did not say anything else, just said, "What can I do?"

Fu Jiuneng came out of the wc, which was beyond her imagination. At the same time, the moment she took up the gun in her hand, she somehow lost a lot of nausea and fear when she touched the gun.

In my heart... unexpectedly faintly... exciting.

This was beyond An Ge'er's expectation.

Fu Jiu was helpless, and only hoped that this woman would not make trouble for her, and immediately said casually, "You can't even fire a gun. How can you help?"

But not wanting, An Geer directly told her with the action of loading, she would shoot.

Fu Jiu was surprised, obviously a little shocked that a tender girl actually shot her.

"In that case, go to the main control room now. They changed the course." Fu Jiu said casually, turning his head to observe the state inside.

Obviously, this woman didn't listen to her warning and ran around. Don't blame her if something goes wrong.

An Ge'er swept inside too, and instantly turned pale.

It's not just that everyone is controlled, but the men in black suits are in front of everyone on the spot, holding a dagger and slashing through the abdomen of one of them alive, blood pouring out, taking something out of the belly .

But that person couldn't struggle, and finally passed out with a painful roar.

Everyone looked at this scene, whether it was a child, an adult, or an old man, their faces paled for an instant, and finally a woman couldn't suppress her emotions, crying wildly, and everyone commotion.

"To shut up!"

"Bang—" After a gunshot, the woman who had been emotionally collapsed before, her heart was bright red.

Blood splattered and died on the spot.

"Whoever dares to make a sound again will end up like her!" An Asian man said viciously, holding a gun.

The crowd was shocked. Many people cried and blushed, but they stubbornly covered their mouths and did not dare to speak.

The smell of blood spread unscrupulously in the air, thinking about my lover, relatives, and friends, and then looking at the **** scene before me, watching the woman fell into the pool of blood just now, the signs of life disappear little by little, this kind of despair, Almost everyone was emotionally broken.

There is a kind of despair and fear, not the moment of death, but the process of waiting for death, life is better than death.

An Geer looked at the scene without warning, her eyes widened, and she was taken aback for a while to calm her emotions, and nodded woodenly, "Okay, okay, I'm going to the main control room..."

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