My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 253: Hello, Su Chen, I'm Jane

Su Chen twisted his eyebrows and looked at An Ge'er for an instant, with a deep scrutiny in his eyes.

"Damn, you, who are you?!"

Fu Jiu swallowed impatiently, and asked stutteringly.

The little heart is uncontrollable, pounding inexplicably, almost jumping out of the chest!

She looked at An Ge'er, and at Su Chen incredulously, as if she wanted to know if this guy was the same as she thought.

An Ge'er didn't answer, but instead threw the machine gun into Fu Jiu's arms, who hurriedly caught it.

Then there was a light smile on the corner of her lips, she stretched out her hand and looked at Su Chen, the corner of her lips hooked slightly, "Su Chen, hello, let's meet again."

Under Su Chen's gaze, her lips lightly opened, "I am Jane."


this moment.

be quiet.

It's not so quiet.

It seemed that the time around him had stagnated for an instant, and even the wind blowing through his hair had stopped at that moment.

Only the corners of her lips still smiled indifferently.

It seemed that it took quite a while before all this recovered...

The dawn wind glided across the island and continued to blow on her. The girl in front of her was beautiful and picturesque. Although her clothes were a little embarrassed at this time, she did not diminish the calm and calm temperament of her.

But, she just said...what? !

She said, Su Chen, meet again...

She said, I am, Jane...

Fu Jiu felt that her head was suddenly dizzy, and she wondered if she had hallucinations. She just shook her head, but listened to her continue, "Don't believe it? I just contacted you on the plane."


The machine gun suddenly fell to the ground and hit Fu Jiu’s foot, making her sober for an instant, but at the same time she jumped up with an anguish call, her expression was very strange, and she shouted at her, "You, what are you kidding me? , What nonsense?! Jane is a man!"

Kai material.

An Ge'er raised her eyebrows and looked at her without saying anything. She looked at Su Chen, but saw that Su Chen was looking at her deeply at this time.

In the next second, Su Chen slowly moved his gaze away and glanced sideways at Fu Jiu. A low and light voice came, "Actually, I forgot to tell you that Jane is a female."


Fu Jiu couldn't stand still and twisted his foot and fell.


No, it's not true, the baby doesn't believe it... Fu Jiu held the cow inside his feet and looked at An Ge'er in disbelief.

It's almost.

How is this possible?

Is there a mistake?

She is about to collapse!

Isn't this girl that little star? Isn’t it the little star that Brother Rong chased after the stairs? Isn't it An Ge'er who helped Rong Bei "mutilate" in the chat room? !

But what the **** is this scene! ?

Fu Jiu would rather this moment be a dream, it is an illusion!

Because she actually said she was Jane, it was Jane!

It is the mysterious gun designer of their arms group——!


Don't take this to play.

how can that be!

An Ge'er and their chief firearms designer who are so scammed, these two people are clearly in a bad relationship, are they okay? !

If it weren't for Rong Bei's inexplicable fancy to this star named An Ge'er, they would not have noticed her!

At this time, even if she could no longer believe it, she was deeply abused by the situation in front of her.

It's hard to turn around!

so horrible!

Especially, she only needs to think of them chatting about those dirty and unhealthy jokes in the chat room, and how to help Rong Bei'take down' her. At that time, she was the client who was in front of the screen without blinking her eyes. When looking at...

She collapsed! ! !

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