My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 257: Uncle, turn around

not dead!

Bo Yan was stunned by these three words, and his heart suddenly began to beat violently, his eyes fixed on the crowd, and he was constantly searching. At this time, Ai Rui heard the phone ring again and quickly took it out of the helicopter. .

It's still the strange number.

Iri hesitated, but still connected.


The people in those crowds had been taken on the rescue plane, and Bo Yan rushed over, and Ai Rui was stunned in the same place.

Because he connected the phone, and the voice on the phone...

It's clear, it's clearly...

that moment.

Ai Rui clearly felt his breathing and stopped.

"First, chief, phone, your phone--!" Iri was shocked and stunned, and hurriedly caught up with him and shouted, stopping him, and then in his sight, he stretched out his hand and passed him the phone.

Bo Yan looked at the phone that had been connected, and then at Ai Rui's eager and bright gaze. For a moment, he seemed to have suddenly reacted to something, and suddenly stopped.

A faint voice was coming from the phone at this time.

But it was soft and beautiful, the voice of a girl.

"Hey, are you there, uncle? Are you listening...?"

Hearing the sound, Bo Yan was startled, instantly stiff.

The hand holding the mobile phone also trembled slightly, and the cold and thin lips moved. At this moment, I did not know what was going on, but there was no sound.

No one noticed that his cold and slender eyes were filled with a thin haze.

Some moistened the eye sockets.

She is not dead...?

Not only was she not dead, she was still calling him...?

Excessive grief and shock were alternated with the huge surprise at this time. Bo Yan raised his eyes to look at the crowd, sweeping the crowd frantically. There was never a moment when he wanted to see someone eagerly, just to prove that she was still alive. It's not a joke, he can't afford it.

Really, he can't afford it.

He could not accept such a blow together.

An Ge'er turned around with her mobile phone and watched all the passengers boarding the private jet. While she was relieved, she was also worried about the phone.

what's the situation?

The phone is clearly connected, but no one speaks? ?

But she didn't want to hang up, because she seemed to hear a slight movement over there, even the a little rapid breathing.

Of course, when she was about to leave from the edge of the grass, she didn't know what she saw, her fingertips trembled, and the phone she was holding almost slipped off.


He, shouldn't he be in City A! ?

In the next second, An Ge'er's eyes suddenly became sore and swollen.

Just in front of the clearing not far in front, she saw the slender figure, followed by Ai Rui, holding the phone in his hand, but never stopped, looking for someone else.

There is some wind on the island.

The wind blew his mottled hair a little messy, but it made his slender and tall figure, unspeakable loneliness and depression, and even more unspeakable distress.

An Geer didn't know.

She couldn't think of it.

Obviously it should be the uncle in A city, why did he appear on this island at this time.


Bo Yan's footsteps were hurried and messy, his eyes were red, and there was a pause in the phone when a voice suddenly came, making Bo Yan's footsteps suddenly stopped.

She said, "Uncle, you turn around."

Therefore, Bo Yan stood still and turned his head slowly.

The slender white figure appeared so slowly before his eyes...

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