My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 262: Restricted level staged!

And of course she was a little sad for the enchanting Rong Bei.

There are only two helicopters on the island, one is theirs and the other is unfamiliar.

Rong Bei got on the helicopter, stared at the stranger and asked in a deep voice, "Who is that?"

When Fu Jiu heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he said while holding the helicopter, "Oh, you said that. Someone came to pick up Jane. Two helicopters came. She got on one and said to let the other stay here. Escort those passengers to leave as soon as possible."

Fu Jiu didn't care about the reason, believe it or not, and basically said it without even thinking about it.

In this kind of thing, she knows.

It is impossible to hesitate.

You may not listen to Rong Bei, but if you hesitate, he will definitely be suspicious.

Now that the helicopter flew up, Fu Jiu was really secretly worried that he would discover some of the conditions below, after all, some things were clearly visible when they got into the air.

"Aren't all this people gone?"

Rong Bei blocked it coldly again.

Fu Jiu hurriedly smirked, and hurriedly turned his nose to fly high, but in his heart he muttered to himself, blessing Rong Bei not to see things he shouldn't see.

Of course.

Prayer is prayer after all.

Even if she repeatedly advised him whether to close his eyes and rest for a while, Rong Bei seemed to have not heard it, his eyes still sharply sweeping across the island.

Fu Jiu could only drive up to the sky as soon as possible.

With fear in my heart.

Just when she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she suddenly heard Rong Bei's low voice, "Hold on! There are other people on the island!"

Hearing this, Fu Jiu's breathing suddenly stopped.

But deliberately widened his eyes, "Ah? Where, where?"

Rong Bei didn't speak, his eyes fixed on the black shadow in the grass.

The next second, I'm going to take a binoculars to see.

As a result, as soon as he stretched out his hand, Fu Jiu took it and looked at it, pretending to say, "Ah, oh, there seems to be someone in black clothes, no, I'll let Su Chen go and take a look, don't think it's sneaking. Infiltrated our base."

Unexpectedly, after Fu Jiugang finished speaking, he listened to Rong Beidao, with a low but firm tone, "That's not one person, it's two people, and there is a white shirt underneath."

Fu Jiu suddenly thumped in his heart.

The thinking is over.

It was still discovered.

There was almost sweat in her palms, but she heard Rong Bei snorted and cursed, "I can't help it, a pair of wild mandarin ducks!"

Fu Jiu's eyes widened immediately, and he quickly agreed, "God, it's a wild mandarin duck. Damn, I dare to have **** here. It's not too particular. At least I can talk about it after getting on the plane!"

While she was talking, she quickly took a binoculars and looked carefully.

See if the two people are ‘sniffing’ in the bushes.

She was really curious and looked around at random, but she didn't know what scene she saw, and her eyes widened...

He murmured, "Damn, damn, I really didn't see it, Mi-Mi is so big, she looks like..." She looked thin and soft, but didn't expect...

She spoke subconsciously, and then she suddenly realized what she was talking about.

He immediately covered his mouth and glanced at Rong Bei with a weird expression.

Damn, I almost missed it.

Blame the scene below that was so unexpected to her.

Moreover, it is too hot.

Why this effort has staged a restricted screen! ?

Seeing her for an instant, blood rushed up and down inexplicably.

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