My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 264: Foreign country, rain curtain, bridge, encounter

She is really tired.

Whether it is the heart or the body.

When I woke up again, it was already a day later.

In order to stay close, An Geer woke up in country m.

In the morning, Bo Ximing, there seemed to be a light rain outside, and the entire foreign city was stained with a thin mist, faintly tinged with a faint fragrance of dust.

Rodeo Drive came to the end and got on the bus to another stop.

For half an hour, An Ge'er returned, but when she passed a bridge, she was stunned when she heard the beautiful and graceful low singing accompanied by guitar playing.

A figure stood against the wall on the bridge.

He seemed to be a foreign uncle who made a living, with a beard, and brown curly hair that was a little messy because of unmaintained. Even if the raindrops were gradually falling, he was extremely engaged and sang with his eyes closed. With joyful songs.

Even if it was too early at this time, there were only a few people passing by on the bridge.

An Geer ran over and put a few dollar bills in the box in front of him. The uncle who was singing the beard opened his eyes, looked at her with azure blue eyes, smiled at her, and then stopped, the guitar Play again.

In an instant, unlike the previous one, this song is very beautiful, very romantic and beautiful. An Ge'er's eyes widened, and the eyes flashed with surprise.

And with the romantic tunes, his voice seems to be magical, which is particularly touching. How could An Ge'er not know that he was dedicated to her, but he couldn't help but want to walk away. Stayed.

It was drizzling on the bridge.

The sloppy uncle was holding the guitar and singing affectionate and romantic songs. The girl held the kraft paper in her hands, smiling at the corners of her lips, and stopped to listen.

The uncle's blue eyes looked at her, with a little smile, until the song was finished, he suddenly took off the guitar and reached out his hand, pulling one of An Ge'er's hand, under An Ge'er's somewhat surprised gaze , Dropped a kiss on the back of her hand.

Pure etiquette and liking.

"SheWillBeLoved for you, charming oriental girl".

Only when the uncle handed it over, although An Ge'er was surprised, she still noticed that the uncle's hand that did not match his image was slightly thin, but unexpectedly clean and slender.


An Geer was enjoying this exotic atmosphere, then covered her head with one hand to protect her from the rain, while holding the hot food wrapped in kraft paper in the other, she hurried back in the bus.

She likes to go to an unfamiliar city, especially after she became a celebrity, she is now in a foreign country and is not well-known, so she doesn't need to wear sunglasses and masks to cover herself, which is rare and comfortable.

But she did not know that after she left, under the original bridge, at the intersection of the street, an extended Lincoln stopped, and two men in black suits like bodyguards walked onto the bridge with umbrellas.

When the car left, the sloppy uncle on the bridge was empty.

Originally, I wanted to spend more time outside, pressing down on the road for a while, feeling more about the cultural atmosphere and atmosphere of this strange city, but I didn't want the rain to get heavy again, so she had to go back first.

Back to the hotel, only to find that the suite door was open.

She raised her eyebrows slightly.

When I walked in, I found that the room was a little messy, and I seemed to hear the roar of falling objects.

She quickly put down the food to check, and as soon as she entered the bedroom, she saw him—

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