My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 276: No need to take it, you are my medicine

Rather Stick to your guns.

She is already a woman and she is selfish in love. Even if Xu Wei doesn't like her uncle, she will not be happy if she spends her birthday with her every year, let alone Xu Wei has been holding onto her uncle.

Even when he was obviously not his girlfriend, when he just came back, he intentionally or unintentionally spread it and told her that he was his boyfriend.

For a woman like her, An Geer could only be speechless.

But not accepting does not mean that she can't understand her uncle. After all, she killed her parents and agreed to others' request.

But, then I was wronged.

As soon as An Ge'er's eyes flashed lonely, she listened to Bo Yan, "It won't be anymore. Every year after her birthday, I guess there will be important things, and I can't go away."


An Ge'er raised her eyebrows and looked at him. What matters to him?

But seeing him staring at her for an instant, his voice suddenly softened and slowed down, "Be with you."

An Ge'er's heart suddenly swayed.

I have to say that even if this seems unscrupulous, but in the bottom of her heart, she is really happy.

"Many people are always willing to wrong the people around them for the sake of others, thinking that she will not leave, but they don't know that if the people around them leave sadly, then they will truly regret it." Bo Yan Qingya's voice was light, not tight. Speaking slowly, while holding her hand, placed it on her lips, and kissed gently... gently pecked...

Like the most precious baby in the world.

An Geer's heart trembled after hearing this sentence, and her nose suddenly became sour inexplicably.


Even she might not have thought of this. How many people in this world can understand this? Often they have wronged the people around him in countless inadvertent little things. Later, when that person leaves, it will probably be painful like a broken arm.

My uncle would rather let him lose his morals than wronged her.

An Ge'er wanted to pretend to be sensible and tell him that it might not be necessary, but she couldn't say it, it was against her intentions.

Bo Yan could see through her thoughts at a glance. "When I met Xu Wei, she was still an unknown little model. Now I have helped her stand on the top. As for other things, if she wants it anymore, she can only Yes, nothing more than a luxury."

An Geer bit her lip and couldn't speak for a long time.

How could she not know that Uncle was speaking for her?

It is not a taste to be afraid of guilt in her heart.

She nodded, did not speak, just leaned against his chest and rubbed it, seemingly obsessed and dependent.

Then, feeling the guy who had been scorching against the roots of his thighs, An Ge'er blushed slightly, lying on his chest a little shy not to look at him, and whispered in a low voice, "Little, uncle, are you? Was that kind of aphrodisiac?"

When she eavesdropped at the door, she heard something Xu Wei said.

She was a little angry, and naturally she was more worried, afraid that the uncle would really be controlled by the drug, but later the uncle clearly said that he was not, but why was he so impulsive to her?

Bo Yan's cold eyes scorched a bit, full of intoxicating tenderness.

He lifted her small face with one hand, his slender fingertips rubbed her blush little lips, and said a word, while An Ge'er's soul was violently shaken, and there was endless sweetness and shyness in his heart.

He opened his thin lips lightly, "No need, you are my aspiration... medicine."

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