My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 282: Su Chen's secret new identity

But at this moment, An Ge'er heard Rong Bei's words, but her face had to be gloomy, and she became solemn, her expression indifferent without any emotion.

It seems that some things can't be kept secret.

She wanted to find an opportunity to let Rong Bei know her identity. After all, she was already at this point and told Rong Bei of her identity by herself so that Rong Bei quickly stopped paying attention to her.

This man is really anxious, and it will be bad for anyone then.

Li Hanfei was talking to him about Jane. Mu Lun had always kept a low profile and would insert a sentence from time to time, but at this moment Fu Jiu and Su Chen were exceptionally silent today. Rong Bei found Ni Duan within a short while and asked, " Hey, I said where did you two go, why are you silent today?"

When Fu Jiu and Su Chen heard this, they coughed and became silent...

An Ge'er said lightly, "I'm talking with them about coming to City A, you guys, slowly, chat."

Rong Bei didn't hear the overtones, so he was lazy, and said in a relaxed voice, "Okay, after they all come to market a, the four of us will just get together so that Brother Ben can see you."

An Geer's eyes twitched again after hearing this: "..."

She stopped talking, and went directly to chat with Su Chen and Fu Jiu privately. By the way, she learned about Su Chen’s identities in a city. One was that the apparently “Uranus Superstar” would shoot new scenes with her, and between the others , Will wear a human skin mask to pretend to be a teacher at school.

When he is out of school, he is not in the theater. At this time, he is the real him. He can pretend to be like ordinary people and have his own villa.

Fu Jiu will be vigilant in all aspects in City A, help Rong Bei deal with things, secretly protect himself, by the way, learn about Cobra from Gu Liang for the first time.

"An Ge'er, which school are you at?" During a private chat, Fu Jiu couldn't help calling her true identity.

"A University of Film and Television, when will Su Chen enter the school? The school status is processed, I will report in two days." An Ge'er said, her life now looks very simple, usually go to school, usually filming.

At the same time, I can stay with my uncle every day.

On the surface, just thinking about it makes me feel very fulfilling and satisfying, but her simple and fulfilling life can no longer belong to her completely, she is no longer an ordinary female student, a little star.

She has to admit that she has joined the largest arms group in Western Europe.

"I will contact you when I arrive, but now, I need a new name." Su Chen said in a peaceful voice.

An Ge'er raised her eyebrows. Indeed, Su Chen would appear in another identity at school. He would definitely change his name after wearing a human skin mask.

She pondered slightly, "Su Mu, how is it?"

Low-key and restrained, gentle and indifferent, similar to his original name.

Su Chen said that it didn't matter, but it was just a code name. Fu Jiu agreed with him again and again. She was about to say something, but when she saw that she didn't know what message she had received, she disappeared for a moment.

An Ge'er thought that she would go offline without her, but she didn't want to take a second, Fu Jiu came back, and said, "Gu Liang has a message, saying that Cobra has already arrived in city a. And I have also learned what exactly Cobra is looking for that woman."



Su Chen and An Ge'er asked with eyebrows together.

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