My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 285: Xu Wei's separation is strangled

The phone turned on for a while, but she could see the content clearly fast enough, her face changed, and her heart throbbed.

It's Xu Wei.

The message she sent made her angry and shocked.

Angrily, the message Xu Wei sent was: Bo Yan, there is a secret you surely don’t know. An Ge’er was once raped by someone—violent and had relationships with many men. She was not a clean girl at all. Besides, I beg you. Alright, you are incest, do you want her to ruin yourself?

Seeing this, An Ge'er's eyelashes trembled, and her palms felt a little cold. There was no denying that she was angry and shocked.

Not to mention that she made up her own relationship with several people indiscriminately, but why did Xu Wei know that she had been raped-violently...?

But no matter what, even if my uncle knew that she had an accident before, but now it has been so long, maybe my uncle has forgotten, maybe he wants to pretend not to care, because she is also scared in her heart, so after being together, it will not Dare to talk to him about his previous events.

She was also afraid that she would be rejected.

She was also afraid that gaps would appear invisibly.

But Xu Wei, at this time, reminded him once again that she had been raped and reminded him that they were incestuous.

Although the latter is nothing, after all, they have no real blood relationship, but what about the former?

She has fallen in love with my uncle, how can she repeatedly allow other women to slander her behind her back? Even if it is, really.

She tried her best to calm her panic. When Bo Yan came back, An Ge'er said, "Uncle, I can get my cell phone, I want to call Qiqi."

When she said this, she mumbled pretendingly, "If this girl knew that I was in a university with her, she would definitely be so excited."

"Take it to use." Bo Yan said lightly without hesitation.

An Ge'er took it over immediately and asked, "What is the password?"

Bo Yan's voice fell slightly, and his eyes were a little light, as if he wanted to conceal something, "You just type in and see."

An Ge'er raised her eyebrows, but his subordinate entered six numbers in a ghostly manner...

The next second, the password was opened.


Bo Yan watched her with her eyelids drooping slightly, biting her lips, her cheeks shy, his clear eyes deepened, and the corners of his lips slightly curled up.

An Ge'er's little fragrant tongue licked the sweet porridge stains on the corners of her lower lip, thinking, apart from using her birthday as the password, what else would the uncle use?

After unlocking the password, An Geer quickly deleted the text message sent by Xu Wei, but unexpectedly found that Xu Wei had also sent a text message to Xu Wei before, and said a lot of her admiration to her uncle.

While An Ge'er couldn't help being jealous, she had to be a little bit jealous.

Because of those text messages, my uncle didn't even look at it.

None of them are turned on.

All are unread.

After deleting the text messages, An Ge'er called Xia Qiqi while eating.

The latter heard that An Ge'er was coming, incoherent in excitement, and felt a little regretful for her, but when she said that she would go to a foreign country for further studies, she was relieved.


Su Chen and Fu Jiu were coming, but they told her that something would be delayed for a few days.

But I have to say that the advanced tracker that Rong Bei wants has already been mailed for him.

An Ge'er went to school to report first, she went to the acting department...

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