My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 287: Let brother, smell how sweet you are~

Xu Ye had a younger uncle by his side, and thought it was an acquaintance, An Ge'er's defense was lowered.

But as soon as he opened the door and saw the people outside, An Ge'er was taken aback for a moment, and his face turned pale!

The door was suddenly closed when he reacted, but one hand was horizontal at the door, and his slender body pressed the door as if he was about to break in. At the same time, the voice mixed with sneers and evil charm came faintly, "Little things , The catastrophe is not dead, don't you hurry up to let my brother come in to comfort you!?"

The person who came this time was not someone else, but Rong Bei!

An Ge'er never dreamed that Rong Bei had found it at this moment!

She suddenly remembered the tracker that Rong Bei had said before. Could it be that she already had a tracker on her body! ?

Few people can stop where he wants to come.

But An Ge'er flushed a bit at this time, and she pressed hard against the door to prevent him from entering. Tianxiao’s flushed face was absolutely frightened. My uncle was still taking a shower. Rong Bei came here to What to do! ?

She knew that Rong Bei was still chasing herself, but she left the others alone, and the younger uncle took a bath in the room. If these two men find out who they are, they will probably be a big deal. trouble! !

If it were not for the relationship between herself and his online identity, An Ge'er would have made Rong Bei pay a terrible price, but their identities are complicated, and she can't watch Rong Bei and her uncle fight or make a bigger fight .

She really hates him and is helpless, can't this guy let her go! ?

"Rong Bei, what are you doing, leave quickly, I don't want to see you!" An Ge'er gritted her teeth and pressed her feet firmly against the door, blocking the door to prevent him from entering.

Rong Bei smiled wickedly when he heard the words, his narrow and charming eyes stared at her for an instant, "I want to see you, can't you? Your brother has always been concerned about the accident, and just came to see you, can't you let me in? ?"

An Ge'er didn't expect him to say that, but the facts are the facts. He is a wolf who stares at her. She can't be alone with him no matter if the uncle is or not. "Miss me? Thank you, I'm fine. Now that you have finished reading it, you can leave as soon as possible."

"What?" Rong Bei looked at her eagerly, a little flustered, and couldn't help but look inside, and said in a cold tone, "What are you afraid of, why can't you let me in? Is there something hidden in you? A wild man!?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" An Ge'er gritted his teeth in shame! What is a wild man, that is not a wild man!

But Rong Bei thought she was saying no, and her voice slowed down and softened, "Hey, look at my brother, I brought you a supper. If you are hungry, I will go in and eat with you."

Fuck off!

An Ge'er suddenly became gentle when he heard it, and he got goose bumps all over.

Because he was like a big bad wolf disguised as a mother rabbit, coaxing the little white rabbit to open the door, with no good intentions at all!

"Dreaming, thinking I don't know what you are doing, I can't let you in, you leave quickly, otherwise I will call the police."

When Rong Bei heard the words, the corners of his lips smiled unabated, his narrow and long eyes looked at her scorchingly, and the words were very soft and coaxing, "In order to welcome me, you just took a shower. Well, little thing, come over and let brother smell how sweet you are..."

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