My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 290: Bo Yan gets jealous and punishes

He didn't distrust her, he just couldn't convince himself.

An Ge'er felt his emotional change, raised her eyes, watery peach blossom eyes were filled with water mist, "Uncle, I don't hide it from you, I have seen him kill with my own eyes, he is not a good person, cruel. Fierce, maybe he has come prepared now, uncle, so you don't want to go out now, OK?"

What Rong Bei did today also made her fall into a completely embarrassing state, and she even couldn't turn her head back. Rong Bei is indeed a cruel and vicious person, but she, under certain circumstances, they belong to a group, she is considered to be People around him.

If one day, if my uncle knew...

No, An Geer didn't dare to think about it.

My uncle would never find out, and she would never let my uncle know.

So she can only act like a pitiful and scared look here to deceive him.

Although it was a lie, it was a white lie. She just didn't want any accidents happen to her uncle.

"Please, uncle."

As she said, the tears were about to come down, and Bo Yan saw that the feeling in his heart was complicated, filled with some bitterness and anger, but more distressed. Is this really the case?

He still lost to her after all.

Wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes, Bo Yan's tone softened and said lightly, "Only this time."

In fact, he will make him pay the price if he goes out of this door!

He believed her once, and believed her that she was worried and afraid that he would have an accident, and that he would have an accident, so even if he did some things, he couldn't do it in front of her now.

Moreover, he is also too aware of the character of people like Rong Bei and the others. As the head of the Western European Arms Group, how could he not get blood on his hands? He stepped on the corpses of countless people all the way up, and no one like them would be clean.

So Thaksin Ange said that he was worried that something would happen to him.

He can deal with him, but he knows that, not at this moment, he doesn't want her to fear.

Outside the door, Rongbei saw that no one was opening the door, his delicate and enchanting face was full of gloomy eyes, and he was kicking and kicking. He roared in his mouth, "Come out, come out, come out, get out of me!"

Inside, Bo Yan heard the words, the clear and handsome face couldn't see any emotions, but a layer of frost appeared in his eyes. An Geer couldn't stand it anymore, and he simply turned her uncle to stare straight at the entrance of the entrance and kissed her on tiptoe.

Bo Yan took advantage of the opportunity to buckle her unbearable waist, clinging to his body, and lowered her head. Her soft and soothing kisses were transformed by him to be more crude and crazy.

With that unknown anger.

Until now, he didn't know if she was also afraid of hurting that person.

An Ge'er only felt that her uvula was numb and painful, but he had no restraint at all, deliberately punishing her, she backed away, and wanted to end the kiss, he grabbed the back of her head, no Let her leave, continue to add more, kiss her deeply, that crazy energy can't wait to swallow her into the belly!

It wasn't until his phone rang again that Bo Yan let go of her in a turbulent aura, but the hand holding her waist did not leave. At this time, An Ge'er nestled softly in front of him, and his legs were soft as he kissed her. , Red cheeks, gasping nonstop.

It was still the call from Ai Rui, saying that their people are here, now do you want to rush to take Rong Bei away.

Bo Yan snorted coldly--

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