My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 301: Keep her under the sea

Originally, An Ge'er had his head out and just stretched out his arms to swim over, but the next second he suddenly screamed in horror, his head went down first, and then his arms went down.

Stephen himself was timid, and was so scared that he couldn't say enough.

So, what is in the sea?

Tang Shisan saw no trace of An Ge'er at this moment and saw the director rush to the shallow water area and jumped hurriedly, a huge sense of badness suddenly surged in his heart.

"You said An Ge'er hasn't come out yet?! Haven't come out!? Haven't come up yet!?"

She grabbed Stephen by the collar and yelled in horror.

Stephen kept nodding, "No, I didn't come out."

"Fuck one by one!" Tang Shisan suddenly slapped his thigh and couldn't help but explode. The next second he hurriedly took out the phone and called Bo Yan.

She didn't think too much.

Because she thinks differently from all of them!

Just an hour ago, Rong Bei had just called her and asked about their tracks, and now An Ge'er was dragged into the sea. She was afraid of him coming, so when something happened, she guessed him immediately!

It's just that she didn't expect that this ancestor is really awesome, you will come if you want to come, and even run into the sea!

This is not bad, who can stop him from above, so many people can't let him go, but in the sea, who can rob him easily!

Tang Shisan really took it.

It's really served.

She only knew that she wouldn't call Bo Yan quickly. If something happened to the little girl by Rong Bei, then everyone would be abandoned.

It's over.


Five minutes ago, An Ge had been holding his breath and took a deep breath when he just exposed his head. Before he could shake the wet water stains, he suddenly felt his ankle grabbed by something and was instantly dragged into the sea.

The moment when his ankle was touched by something cold was really terrifying.

The whole person's scalp numb instantly, An Geer wanted to scream, but drank a gulp of sea water, kicked frantically under her feet, but her ankles were imprisoned and immobile, only her body was struggling, and then dragged a little bit Go down.

An Ge'er tried her best to keep calm, and after drinking several more mouthfuls of sea water, she held her breath and looked back with her eyes wide open.

See what kind of ghost is holding one's foot, the unknown thing is the most frightening.

Of course, when she saw the figure behind her, her back was chilled, and then when she saw the person's face in the water, An Ge'er suddenly widened her eyes.

I just felt that the blood in his body rolled over for an instant, and he opened his mouth to scold him, but it was a string of bubbles overflowing from his mouth. The nose and mouth were filled with water. This taste was simply miserable.


Who is that person in the water?

Isn't Rong Bei that abnormal and special? Who is it? !

He was really crazy and wanted to catch her. It was enough to block her in the hotel all night. He actually attacked her underwater while she was shooting an advertisement!

But at this time, Rong Bei's long and narrow eyes were still cold in the sea, but in every slight flash, they were intriguing.

The corners of the lips faintly evoke one side, and the whole person is full of evil spirits. The naked-upper body, the white and strong body makes it easy to imagine, especially when sliding down the abdominal muscles, the attractive mermaid line. On the side, there is also a black two-headed eagle tattooed, which is really **** sexy.

And at this moment, he grasped An Ge'er's ankle and watched her struggling in the water, the corners of his lips, evilly aroused...

Her small face was crumpled in pain, kicking his arm to jump up, but he was yanked by his slender arm, and the whole person greeted him in an instant.

He let go of her ankle...

She stretched out her arms in the water to meet him, and embraced her... in her arms.

As soon as it fell into his arms, he was surrounded by his hands, and her lips rubbed against her almost transparent earlobe, permeating a little hot breath.

An Ge'er couldn't speak, so she could only struggle desperately. She changed back to avoid him, beating his shoulder while Rong Bei tightened his arms more and more, clasping her waist with one hand and the other. Pressing her shoulders, feeling the graceful posture close to him.

At this time, watching An Ge'er almost couldn't hold his breath, he didn't have any strength to beat him, he took the opportunity to get up to kiss her lips and breathe her by the way.

In the next second, before touching her delicate red lips, a sudden pain came from her lower body.


Rong Bei suddenly pushed An Ge'er away, the enchanting delicate face almost tangled and twisted in pain.

The upright and high-spirited little brother below was kicked fiercely. He was really strong enough. If it weren't for the resistance of the water, Rong Bei wouldn't even suspect that she wanted to kick himself.

What a cruel little thing!

And just as Xiao Rongbei was stunned by the blow, An Ge'er, who was still prostration in the last second, immediately seemed to be full of blood, swinging the extremely laborious'fishtail' desperately upstream.

Rong Bei cursed in his heart and hurriedly went to catch her, but she was still the first to seize the opportunity, showing his head, shouting for help.

They were not far from the beach, and when those people saw An Ge'er appear, they quickly shouted, "Ah, look, she is there! She is there! She is fine!"

There were a few male staff who went into the water before, but they did not dare to really save An Ge'er, because they thought there were unknown terrifying creatures in the sea, so they dragged people down, and they only dared to take a frightened look in the waters near the beach. Look.

But at this time, seeing An Ge'er popping up again, he immediately looked at each other.

An Ge'er was swimming desperately in the water, she only thought that she would be saved when she hurried to the beach, and Rong Bei behind her, but the corners of her mouth, followed her unhurriedly. she was.

The water is still not as good as it is on the ground, this little thing is really poor in vital capacity.

Get on the shore, and clean her up.

The people surrounding her had long been let him send a voice to get rid of her. When they came back, he couldn't fix her?

Just when An Ge'er swam into the shallow water, she fell down suddenly, and the fish's tail couldn't swim, and she couldn't take it off.

Except for crawling, they can only wait for someone to come and take her away. The two land ducks, Tang Shisan and Stephen, jumped down to rescue her.

An Ge'er hadn't been so useless before, and this fishtail was about to kill her.

It's just that Stephen and Tang Shisan hadn't run two steps yet, but they were dumbfounded when they saw someone emerging from the sea behind them.

In the water, the half naked body slowly came into their eyes.

Strong skinny, sexy, strong body.

He walked out of the sea and shook his dark, long, fragmented hair, which was horribly sexy, followed by black pants and bare feet.

His appearance stunned everyone...

His appearance stunned the crowd, their eyes widened, looking at the man walking out from the bottom of the sea.

This, why does a man pop up?

So what did they just do in there?

Obviously, the disappearance of An Ge'er just now is his ‘good deed’.

Just when he saw him coming out, no one dared to make the slightest noise, because the man was not an ordinary fan or someone at all, but the boss of M Media Group and An Ge'er's rumored boyfriend.

Even the director stays silent. Fortunately, the commercial has just finished filming, otherwise the posture will be delayed again.

Rong Bei was directly in the astonishment and paleness of Tang Shisan and Stephen, and he walked to An Ge'er without hurries, ignoring An Ge's pleading gaze towards them, and directly bent over to carry her. Shoulders.

Ignoring everyone, they carried An Ge'er into a dressing room on the way they retreated.

"No, Sister Shisan save me, Tang Shisan——!" An Ge'er kept struggling on his shoulder, and she shouted in Tang Shisan's direction.

Unexpectedly, the man turned his head and looked at the figure that Tang Shisan was overtaking. A chilly emperor's contempt came directly, "You dare to come over, you are dead."

Tang Shisan's knees softened and he almost knelt.

Holding the phone in his hand, his face turned red and white until he saw An Ge'er scratching the door frame, and finally he was buckled down one by one and slammed the door. At that moment, Tang Shisan knew that he was very wrong. wrong.

The boss of his own is obviously drunk, and he will definitely not do things through brain thinking. He is crazy and irrational. Under such circumstances, he carried An Ge'er into the locker room in front of so many people. After spending so much time and effort, isn’t this obviously meant to be unruly to her?

And she remembered seeing Bo Yan and An Ge'er's car in the underground parking lot.

Tang Shisan always felt that the sky was falling.

She had already notified him, but she didn't know, it was too late for everything--!


At this time, An Ge'er, who was resisted into the dressing room, was already pressed on the table and bullied her back. Some messy things on the table were cleaned up by Rong Bei, and she was pushed on top to tear her body. The precious'fish tail'.

Lips pressed against her ears, and her voice sneered with a negative sneer, "Escape, you are on the run, you can't escape from the fifteenth day of the first year, little things, where do you think you can fight? I!?"

As he said, one of his men tore apart the priceless silver fishtail.

After a scream, An Geer almost gritted his teeth, "Rong Bei, dare you turn me around!?"

She clenched her hands, angry and frightened.

Because she could smell the alcohol on his body, that and the crazy and wild strength, she was really afraid that he would be really ruthless in the drunken consciousness, she would ask her regardless if it happened. Yes, An Ge'er promised that she would kill him herself.


"Turn around for what? Do you know that brother, I like to come back!?" Rong Bei curled his lips and said madly.

She endured humiliation, stomach discomfort, and resentment. When she opened it again, she turned her head and looked at him with red eyes, but her voice was extremely hoarse, "Rong Bei, do you have to be in front of so many people? To humiliate me...?"

When Rong Bei saw her red eyes, he didn't notice it.

He hates seeing women crying, and seeing women crying. The large swaths of crying make him disgust, but at this time, for some reason, seeing her looking back at him, the watery peach eyes glowing red, he only feels the bottom of his heart. Inexplicably painful.

That is distressed.

But then I thought about going to the hotel to block her the day before yesterday, and ended up blocking her all night, while she was in love with other men...

Rong Bei's heart was aching, and he unconsciously pinched her jaw and sneered, "If you could lie down under me earlier and be my woman, would there be so many things? Little things, all this is You asked for it."

An Ge'er broke away when he heard the words, with red eyes and a sarcastically smiling mouth, "I asked for it? Rong Bei, you only know what to force a woman to be. Why should I be your woman? Why do you like me, I have to follow you!? I don’t care what you are in the eyes of others, but in my eyes, you are a **** who only knows to force other women to satisfy your desires. I am sick, you know!"

With these words, her chest was violently ups and downs, and the anger in her heart could no longer be suppressed.


Rong Bei unexpectedly smiled without anger, and when he pinched her jaw again, "You don’t know, it’s actually very shy. In fact, it has not entered any woman, unless in a dream, when I miss you. time……"

An Ge'er's eyes twitched uncontrollably, and her body trembled. She didn't know how many times she had to clean the places he touched.

Does he think she will believe the **** he said?

In particular, I had already started playing with women when I was 13 years old.

Now I actually tell her that he is clean and shy?

Who believes?

Don't be a Bilian at all.

An Ge'er was stiff and tense, trying to divert his attention, "Rong Bei, where do you have the courage? You are an old virgin and you are embarrassed to tell me? You drink too much, don’t you know about alcohol? Is post-chaotic **** scary!?"

At this moment, Rong Beizheng brushed her back with his thin lips, lingering like infatuation, hugging her tightly with his hands, wondering if it was because he wanted her too much, even her body was difficult to get close before.

But at this moment, he seemed very satisfied just holding her like this.

Even if you don't touch it, just hold it tightly.

"Small things, do you know what drinking chaos x is, drinking chaos x does not mean unconsciousness and improper behavior, but under the guise of drinking, doing things you can’t do but want to do, do you know?"

Upon hearing this, An Ge'er was startled at first, and then felt madly trying to kill.

Does she need his explanation? He needs to emphasize to herself, does he want her! ?

Mom's mentally retarded.

An Ge'er is completely anxious!

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