My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 305: A sign of madness

An Ge'er had been soaking in the sea for too long before, and her physique was weak. At this time, once she was shot, she fell into a coma almost instantly, her face was pale, as if she had lost her breath...


Bo Yan murmured almost incredulously. Looking at the blood on his hands, he seemed to realize what was happening. His face was pale, holding her falling body, his hands shaking.

In such a short moment, she fell into her arms like this.

She was shot in order to block him.

He hugged her tightly, snarled suddenly, and rushed out holding her in the next second.

"Hold on, Geer, hold on to me--!"

Originally, the staff outside were controlled by Ai Rui and his people for fear of leaking the news. They left here far away, but when they heard the gunshots and desperate roars coming from inside, they were also shocked, and then they saw a man hugging him. An Geer rushed out with the **** Ange.

Everyone was shocked.

Tang Shisan was even more pale and almost fainted. She shook her head in disbelief and couldn't believe what had happened because of her leak.

But she is not familiar with it, this matter can't hide from the first day of the first day but the fifteenth, so sooner or later... will come.

A Dong was confined by Bo Yan because of the previous flight. At this juncture, Ai Rui had to let him out in advance. One was not to let the news leak, and the other was to go to someone to take care of their boss's affairs.

Tang Shisan Steven even took the director and all the staff under control, confiscated all communication tools, and was threatened. If anyone leaks a bit of information about today's affairs, don't blame Yan Wang Laozi for taking away in advance!

But after Rong Bei fired the shot, a person was stunned in the small house that swept like a violent wind, and the scene where she fired her own shot in her mind, she rushed to block the gun for Bo Yan.

He closed his eyes, and the scene flashed crazily in his mind. Suddenly, his head ached sharply. Rong Bei held his head in his hands in pain for a while, and suddenly slammed the gun in his hand to the ground, "shi- t!"

He cursed and roared, his narrow eyes were red, and his eyes were full of hostility. He smashed things in the house frantically, breathing heavily, like a manic lion.

Oh shit!

He just wanted to get her, but he never thought he would lose her life! ! !


An Ge'er was sent to the emergency room. Before that, I didn't know where the bullet had hit. There was heavy bleeding and blood was flowing continuously. Bo Yan just watched her life become weaker and weaker, almost going crazy.

It is still in emergency.

A Dong's group of people rushed to see their boss sitting on the ground leaning against the wall and sliding down, covering his face with his hands. The back of his slender hand was faintly beating. It looked terribly quiet, but they all knew that it was necessary A sign of madness.

He was scared, he was scared, he was panicking.

As time passed, Bo Yan was so afraid that the people inside would come out and tell him, sorry, they did their best.

Too much blood flowed out. When he held her, he could almost feel her life aura passing by a little bit...

And just when everyone was silent and the atmosphere was quiet and terrible, the elevator at the end suddenly opened.

Three people walked out of it.

Two men, one woman...

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