My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 322: The woman who wants to move him must die!

Bo Yan stared at the video fiercely. However, he first saw someone following An Ge'er. The former was soon discovered by Adong and the others, and was dragged away near the toilet.

Seeing this scene, he didn't know when his face turned gloomy.

Because Adong didn't tell him about this at all, why didn't he tell?

Even if it will be dealt with quickly, he always needs to know who is behind the scenes following her.

It is not to blame for him to confine A Dong Guan, it should be another month.

The camera screen was constantly being switched, and An Ge'er was walking now, and unexpectedly met another man...Qin Mo.

Seeing this, Bo Yan's slender eyes suddenly deepened.

Means unknown.

It turned out that behind what he didn't know, she still happened so many things that he didn't know.

Go to an airport, even Qin Mo will show up? And immediately afterwards he saw Qin Mo stopping her not knowing what she was talking about, and then stretched out his hand to pull...

His eyes instantly chilled.

Qin Mo actually wants to pester his little girl?

It's a bit too much.

Fortunately, after a while, Qin Mo was quickly left behind and stopped by A Dong. Bo Yan put his hand on the table at this time, his eyes grew deeper and deeper.

But slowly, when he didn't know what scene he saw suddenly, his posture suddenly froze.

I saw a tall figure walking fast with his head down in the footage coming towards An Ge'er, and that person, Bo Yan recognized at a glance... it was a cobra!

And it's a real person who hasn't been embellished by anyone!

When he saw him, Bo Yan's breathing stopped for a moment, and his pupils shrank.

He knew who Cobra was, but he never dared to think that Cobra would be so close to his woman one day.

An extremely dangerous person, just like this, when An Geer hurried to the gate, he suddenly hit her.

At that moment, Bo Yan clenched his fists.

In the picture.

An Ge'er staggered back, and then squatted down to pick up the bag that had fallen in her hand. Everything came out, and then Cobra also squatted down at this time and helped her pick it up, and then...

A gleam of silver light was reflected by the sunlight, and Bo Yan could clearly see that Cobra quickly took the opportunity to put the U disk into the Ange's bag.

In order to see this scene more carefully, he went back and forth many times.

Only when he saw the strange cold-blooded smile on the corner of his lips after Cobra left An Ge'er, Bo Yan paused, threw the phone on the table, and rubbed his swollen temples.

What An Ge'er said is true.

She really didn't know what was going on.

The news made him really relieved, but Cobra came specifically for her, but it made his brows uneasy.

Leng Jue's call came back at the right time, "I believe you have seen it clearly. Cobra originally wanted to take the USB flash drive with the tt8 virus into the air and let it disappear completely. As a result, not only was there no problem with the plane, the USB flash drive fell back. In City A, impartiality is in your...little girl's hands. This is also the purpose of Cobra's return."

Therefore, security issues must not be ignored.


In the dead of night, Bo Yan stood alone on the balcony of the study, with a cigarette between his slender and white fingers, and did not smoke, but there were wisps of smoke lingering around him, setting off his face, in the cold moonlight Below, in the shadowy smoke, Qing charmed people, like a fallen god.

The breath all over him was filled with gloom and extreme chill.

Eye snake, must die!

The woman who wants to move him is looking for death!

Although An Ge'er's body is still weak, it is not a major problem. As long as she does not exercise vigorously, it is basically fine.

Therefore, Bo Yan also agreed to her to go to school, but this time, a group of subordinates were specially transferred from abroad, and they followed closely with their guns for protection.

In the school, during the period of her cultivation, Su Chen had already successfully entered one of them as a teacher of the acting department, but I had to say that Su Chen's fake human skin mask was really beautiful.


Five points similar to his original appearance, a bit less of his stunning appearance as a Uranus superstar, but a bit more clear and indifferent, clean, white and delicate, like a spring breeze, warm and rippling.

Xia Qiqi and An Ge'er made an appointment to meet at the library, and simply told her what the school had announced recently. An Ge'er was afraid that she was worried, so she had not told her about her injury.

Xia Qiqi.

The explosive bandit who had beaten it, played a piece of the rogue female man's paper.

He has a strong desire for sex, but he has a heart, and he is...courageous!

With short, neat hair that just passed the ears, his bangs were naughtyly tied into a small twitch on the top of his head, revealing a full forehead, his face was white and delicate, and his large, slightly longer eyes were often cunning and alert.

Wearing a casual shirt and shorts, stepping on a pair of sneakers, holding a lollipop in his mouth, carrying this messenger bag, he came out.

Inside the library.

At this moment, I just wanted to find a few books for a while while I was reading and waiting for An Ge'er. She was walking among the mahogany bookshelves, her eyes fell on a book, and her eyes flashed green...!

Glancing around and seeing no one, he coughed, pretending to be calm, and clamped the thick "Encyclopedia of On X Love Posture" on the shelf under his arm.

He drew out the other two books as a cover.

After the thick book was evacuated, Xia Qiqi raised her head casually, not knowing what she saw through the half-finger-wide space, her face that had just turned around instantly froze.

Immediately, as if she was afraid of reading it wrong, she turned her head quickly, but when she saw a man sitting on the opposite window seat through the gap of the bookshelf, her eyes widened unexpectedly. ...

The lollipop in his mouth almost fell off.

In front of the library window, he was wearing a white shirt with a delicate and charming side face. He was a handsome, clean-looking man with an indifferent temperament. Through the window, the afternoon golden sunlight poured down and covered him with a layer of golden light. , The temperament is dusty.

Seeing this scene, Xia Qiqi was shocked instantly.

For a long time, he swallowed impatiently, and reacted, his little tongue licked the corner of his mouth, and in a pair of slightly longer eyes, all his figure flashed.


Sure enough, it is a film and television university, there are so many handsome men and beautiful women, but this is too eye-catching! ?

She has always liked clean and handsome men.

Although Xia Qiqi thinks that he is in poor condition, is lustful and violent, but looking at a man's vision is not picky, and his taste is extremely high, and the children's shoes in front of him are the best among the best.

The breath is mild and alienated...

She dares to pack a ticket, this children's shoe must have a future in the future!

The star road is definitely bright all the way!

Xia Qiqi was still looking at him secretly, but didn't want to. She was just a blink of an eye, only to find that people were gone.

She was suddenly surprised, and hurriedly looked around, but didn't want to be shocked as soon as she turned her head—!

I saw that he was standing next to her less than ten centimeters away, and he was standing in front of her...

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