My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 327: Strange foreign beauty in the toilet

An Geer vaguely peeped half of her face, and before the other party saw her, he quickly locked the toilet.

That woman dared to stand up to go to the toilet, and she was embarrassed to look at others. She was embarrassed and she was embarrassed.

It's really amazing, and the world is no wonder.

I just have to say that the face I saw just now seems to be pretty good?

An Ge'er was in the toilet, and when she saw that she was really coming to her aunt, she slapped her forehead with a slap, and then took out her mobile phone from her bag to Xia Qiqi.

Ask her to buy herself a pack of aunt's towels to send.

Of course, I just don't know what happened to Xia Qiqi, this girl actually asked weakly, can I not go? It took a long while.

An Ge'er threatened that she would die if she dare not come, and Xia Qiqi only agreed.

After hanging up the phone, when An Ge'er was wondering whether Xia Qiqi, a stinky girl, was betrayed by other friends, someone suddenly knocked on the door of her toilet.

An Ge'er was shocked.


Just when she was puzzled, the people outside began to speak, "Do you need this?"

An Geer listened, and saw her toilet door cracked down, and a pink...big Bundy came in.

"Ah, thank you."

Although An Ge'er was a little embarrassed, she hurriedly took over. Qiqi came to save her and didn't know how long she would have to wait. Although she was a little embarrassed, she was all girls after all.

I think I must have just called Xia Qiqi and was heard by the girl who happened to have an'aunt's towel'.

But when An Ge'er got everything done and stood up, he later realized what he thought of...

The girl who spoke to her just now speaks English, is she a foreigner?

And the sound is slightly neutral.

Opening the door and coming out, An Ge'er looked up and saw a figure near the window, a long shadow pulled out by the sun.

An Ge'er slowly cast his eyes on her.

On his face, he was slightly startled at last.

It was the ‘stand-to-toilet’ woman she just complained about.

She is too tall and too...beautiful.

With long golden curly hair reaching her chest, her face is fair and delicate, with beautiful blue eyes, a tall nose, and bright red lips. She is wearing a long black dress and her long legs are particularly eye-catching.

At this moment, she was standing so sideways, her eyes don't know where to look, one hand was wrapped around her chest, and the tip of her finger was holding a slender smoke, she was swallowing clouds and mists in a hurry.

Although she is beautiful, An Ge'er doesn't know what's wrong, and she still vaguely finds something weird...

Her skeleton is really big enough...

A little surprised, but he quickly retracted his sight and prepared to leave.

But I didn't want to, as soon as I turned around, I heard a voice behind me.

"I helped you without saying thank you?"

American English, neutral voice.

An Ge'er froze suddenly, turned to look at her, her eyes seemed to flash with surprise, and a smile appeared at the corners of her lips, "It turned out that you gave it to me, thank you so much."

When the other party heard the words, the corners of her lips twitched, and the clear blue eyes seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist, which made people unable to see the true meaning of her eyes.

But right now, he was staring at An Ge'er for a moment, and then walked towards her step by step.

An Ge'er looked surprised on the surface, but her hands on both sides couldn't help but clenched slightly...

Boom, boom, boom——!

The heart is beating the drum.

All these weird things made her heart can't help but raise...

She pretended to smile indifferently, "Beauty, do you have anything else?"


As soon as she finished her voice, she saw the tall woman who had already walked in front of her, and suddenly stretched out a hand and struck her directly--!

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