My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 630: First aid, inform Bo Yan!

Suddenly, the other people in the car stopped An Ge'er one by one, and the man in the co-pilot hurried to stabilize the steering wheel.

Putting a hand on her mouth, Ange gave a bite, and then desperately went to hit the car door and window.

Even if Ye Che couldn't hear her shouting, he would definitely find a problem in the car after this violent shaking.


His luxury car was hit, Ye Che's face was ugly, and his angry gaze naturally attracted him, but when he saw the figure desperately hitting the door of the car, he was suddenly shocked, how familiar! ?

Especially through the car window, he still vaguely heard someone calling his name.

It's not right, it's wrong.

When he was about to catch up, suddenly the window of the car dropped, revealing An Ge'er's half-anxious face. At the same time, the foreign man who was holding her suddenly raised his hand with a pistol in his hand and he was about to hit him when he shot.

Ye Che was taken aback, obviously it was too late to escape.

But seeing An Ge'er hit his head backwards and hit the man's chest hard, the bullet missed, hit a car next to him, and sparks spattered.

"Hurry up!"

The man yelled, the car increased its horsepower, and rushed out regardless of the people and cars in the surrounding area.

At the same time the windows were closed.

An Ge'er just let go of the person who had been strangling, and looking at the angry face of her subordinate, she gasped and smiled sarcastically.

Ye Che saw her, she was saved.

At the same time, when Ye Che saw the car driving out, he came back after two steps and immediately got on his sports car.

His car was not badly damaged and could still drive. He drove to catch up quickly while contacting Bo Yan.

When the foreign man saw the man chasing him up, his face was even more ugly.

"Don't be happy too early! Know that you will kill him!" The man said, confining Ange, and asked the co-pilot in front to pick up the machine gun and open the window to hit the man who was catching up.

Ye Che was calling Bo Yan. As soon as he was connected, before he could finish speaking, he saw a beeping blasting sound—

"Fuck it!"

Ye Che couldn't help but curse, lowered his head to avoid, and at the same time withdrew his sports car to the convertible mode, turning it into a closed car.

This car window is bulletproof.

Low curses, machine guns, car sounds, people-liu's screams, Bo Yan heard these as soon as he received the phone call, and suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter! Where are you!?"

While avoiding obstacles, Ye Che chased him, and said to him here, "Come on! I'm on **** Street, and I'm going to cross the **** Bridge soon. Your wife has been kidnapped and looks like a cobra. People!"

When Bo Yan heard it over there, he felt a bang in his mind.

He always thought that he was rescued by Su Chen and the others, how could he appear in Cobra again! ? Bo Yan only felt black in front of him, and he almost swayed his lower body to stabilize his figure.

This bad news came so suddenly that he couldn't believe it...!

"Keep up with them! Don't chase too hard! Just confirm where they are going to take her, and you must follow them!"

Chasing too tight is easy to be attacked, he still has to save his life to tell his woman where is!

After Bo Yan hurriedly gave orders, he immediately prepared to take people over.

On the other side, when Fu Jiu and the others arrived with people, they saw the empty abandoned factory——

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