My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 689: Is he claustrophobic? !

However, she didn't care about getting angry at this time, and she got up and pressed the emergency number in the elevator. At the same time, she looked up at the top of her head, wondering if she could try to open it from above.

If she guessed correctly.

He has claustrophobia, flustered creed, trembling hands and feet, muscle twitching, cold sweats, shortness of breath, and some people are quite restless.

At first he was able to ridicule her, but when the elevator broke down, he became grumpy like a crazy lion.

But if you find a way to go out, you will definitely need his cooperation.

It's just that she didn't think about how he would have claustrophobia! These are symptoms that can only occur after experiencing very dark and bad things, which made her think about the **** nightmarish days of that period of six years ago...

So she tentatively said at this time, "...Don't worry, don't be afraid, we will definitely go out, don't worry..."

On the other side of Rong Bei, he was breathing heavily, without saying a word, the whole person shrank in the corner like a black shadow.

She watched him stop talking, then tried to squat down and approach him, and said softly, "I know you want to go out, so you try to stand up first, do me a favor, I want to put the top of our head Only by opening the elevator windows can we find a way out."

There is no signal here, at least this is the only way before lifeguards arrive.

Unexpectedly, Rong Bei was motionless alone, almost gritted his teeth and uttered a few words, "Go! Otherwise I will kill you."

The girl was startled.

But the bottom of my heart is even more astringent.

She didn't feel wronged for herself, after all, she didn't do the elevator accident, but felt some distress for him.

What has he experienced before?

Let him not even want his life, he might even die suddenly if he stays like this?

But right now, facing his lack of cooperation...

Forget it, anyway, now the outside must know that the elevator is out of order and come to rescue them, she just waited.

Just facing him, her eyes flashed, and she whispered softly, "I just stay here anyway. May I tell you a story?"

It cannot be denied that she wanted to divert his attention.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong before the lifeguard arrives, it will be broken.

So before he refused, she whispered, "A long time ago, there was a girl. When she was in school, she met a awkward teenager..."

She kept lowering her head to say something to him. She was serious and seemed to be remembering. Although she didn't know if he heard it, but there were people around him and there were voices around him, and he didn't seem to be so afraid and flustered anymore.

at last.

The voice of rescuers came from outside, asking if they were alive or not.

She quickly said that she was still alive, and took a deep breath of relief.

While breathing a sigh of relief in the bottom of my heart, there was also a bit of melancholy.

There was the sound of a ding-dang tool opening the upper window of the elevator, and finally there was light coming out from above, and the two rescuers immediately lowered the rope to pull them up.

The girl looked at Rong Bei, "You go out first, I will be the last."

Rong Bei slowly raised his head, but her face seemed to alternate between cyan and white, and the anger in her eyes was extremely heavy, which made her feel awkward.

He always feels like he is holding back something at this moment, the black press between his eyebrows, like a thick ink that cannot be melted, the whole person——

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