My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 701: Raw rice and cooked rice are the best

In order to take her to relax, Bo Yan is going to France.

Because An Ge'er said that she recently wanted to see the sea of ​​roses and eat grapes, Bo Yan would take her to a small town in France, where there are many rose gardens and vineyards.

It's just that before the two people took the plane, they went to have a meal with the people from the arms group.

It's a temporary farewell.

During the meal, Fu Jiu and An Ge'er sat together, Qin Shuangshuang on the right, Fu Jiu almost hugged left and right, because they were so cool this time, An Ge'er was finally released from the wanted. Fu Jiu drank a lot of wine at this meal.

From time to time, he took the opportunity to touch Qin Shuangshuang's hand, teasing that his little brother's hand was actually whiter and tenderer than her, like a woman.

Qin Shuangshuang was flushed by Fu Jiu's teasing, while Li Hanfei shook his head and smiled meaningfully.

It's not because Su Chen said something was wrong today that he was so presumptuous today, he should come later! ?

See what to do if she gets hit after a while.

Su Chen has been deep in his mind these past two days.

Although Fu Jiu's alcohol volume is good, the alcohol she drank today is a bit too big, so she is a little drunk at this time, and she hits An Ge'er's neck from time to time. It is in her ears. Bian'quietly' said, "Hey, Xiao Geer, tell my sister, what are you doing in the Rose Manor!?"

An Ge'er was a little embarrassed when she heard it. Although Fu Jiu seemed to be whispering to her, everyone could hear her voice clearly.

"Just because you have a lot of things, can't the young couple go out for a romantic time!?" Li Hanfei glanced at her helplessly, a little disgusting.


Before An Ge'er could answer, Fu Jiu put an arm around An Ge'er's neck, turned to look at him, stretched out a finger to shake, "NONO! You are wrong, she, she is going to eat Mei —!" Rose, before she could finish her last word, she hiccuped again.

"What to eat?"

Suddenly a faint voice came from behind him. It was clear and very pleasant.

Fu Jiu wanted to say something, but An Ge'er quickly said, "Brother, you can count it. She drank too much again. Take her away."

It’s great to get drunk, and be taken away by my brother quickly. Raw rice and cooked rice are the best.

But how did she know that she was addicted to eating roses! ?

Could it be that when she was on the mission that day, although she didn't speak, she was embarrassed to say it! ?

At this time, Fu Jiu, after being drunk, said something ridiculous, but his cheeks were filled with blush, and his eyes were a bit blurred, but he looked even more charming, red lips **** and coquettish, long hair half covered At the same time, Messy U.S. China has a somewhat more charming appearance.

Looking at the few people present here were all stunned.

It's really rare to see her like this.

Su Chen's eyes were deeper, and she reached out her hand at her, but she smirked and slapped him in a daze.


An Ge'er turned her eyes away, her eyes twitched, she couldn't bear to look directly at the picture.

Everyone was also taken aback, Li Hanfei couldn't help but laughed out loud, until Su Chen's indifferent eyes swept over, he lowered his head and pretended to cough twice to hide his smile.

Su Chen opened the chair and wanted to take her away.

He still has something to do for a while, and he won't be able to rush over after a while. She looks like this, and she will go crazy for a while, and she doesn't know what it will be the next day.

However, I didn't expect--

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