My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 709: You close your eyes!

Because she has seen her body and is not wearing a single dress!

And what about him?

Fu Jiu frowned tightly, held his breath, and cautiously pinched the end of Su Chen's quilt, slowly opened it, and looked under him...

He didn't cover the quilt much on his shoulders, obviously the upper body was fruitful.

Yes, but below him! ?

She opened it nervously...


She only glanced at it, and she felt a loud bang in her head!

Because of Su Chen's body, although she only took a quick look, she knew that he was wearing nothing, especially her leg inadvertently touched his side below his waist. Without clothes, he really It is also a whole fruit.

And so is she.

Fu Jiu felt only a few words floating in the sky: She is going to finish!

She closed her eyes tightly, clutching the quilt tightly in her chest, breathing hard.

damn it.

What happened last night! ?

She didn't even remember anything after she was drunk.

clam down! clam down!

She slowly squeezed the quilt and sat up, looking at the nightgown thrown at the end of the bed, she bent down again and tried to grab it.

No matter what, you have to put on your clothes first to cover yourself.

Otherwise, she woke up in a while, how would she face Su Chen! ?

what! Ahhh! How to face it! ?

Fu Jiu's glamorous face, at this moment, it was almost as if he wanted to cry.

It's just that she sat up in this posture and exposed her beautiful back. Su Chen opened her eyes without a trace at this time, staring intently, from the white and slender neck all the way down, and finally fell on her. ... on the two sex-sense waists behind the waist.

Su Chen's eyes deepened.

Because he was always indifferent, and seeing these two waists, he actually thought of Li Hanfei and the others who had chatted before...It probably means that there are not many women with waists, and the women who have are too sexual-sense... …

Especially in that kind of thing, when using a certain posture, clasping the back of the waist, it is probably a different kind of ecstasy...?

While Fu Jiu grabbed the nightgown and put it on carefully, he looked back to see if he had awakened the other man in the bed.


She turned her head carefully, but saw that the man had opened his eyes and was staring at the place near her waist, that kind of place...! ! !

Suddenly she blushed shyly and screamed in fright, grabbed the quilt and rolled off the bed.

But when she hid under the bed while clutching the quilt, she quickly put on her nightgown and fastened it, only to suddenly discover something.

Su Chen seems to be wearing no clothes...

Then she, how to get up, the door is over there.

Fu Jiu's expression called a tangled pain.

But I didn't want to. The next moment, I heard a faint voice and couldn't hear any emotions, "Close your eyes."

Fu Jiuyi immediately buried his head and closed it.

Then she heard the sound of him getting up and getting out of bed, and then walked straight towards her around the bed...? ?

Fu Jiu shrank under the bed, her eyes tightly covered.

What is he doing here, what is he doing! ?

He hasn't put on any clothes yet!

Of course, in the next second, she seemed to hear a soft snort from someone's breath, so light and unattainable, but it was a real existence.

It seemed to be aimed at her.

Then she heard the sound of Su Chen opening the cabinet, and she was relieved in her heart.


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