My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 737: Their dream has really come true! ! !

Unlike some who look honest and hide everything in their minds, Sophie can't stop talking to her all day, and she is the most protective of her, rolling her eyes is a must.

The old doctor called the next day and confirmed that she was pregnant.

The phone was answered by Bo.

The excitement was naturally hard to speak. The old doctor also told him to come here in the near future for a check-up. Bo Yan wanted to return to China in the near future and let Ye Che show her a full set of preservation plans.

When An Ge'er knew that she was really pregnant, she still couldn't hold back her hands against her eyes and cried. At this time, all the heavy feelings of being difficult to get pregnant all collapsed.

She is really pregnant.

Have a child.

She finally made her uncle realize his wish to be a father.

This is what she had dreamed of before, but it was actually realized.

Sophie wanted to comfort An Ge'er, but when she saw the host walking by, she retreated from their bedroom very wittily, watching the host inside coaxing and kissing her, she carefully closed the door for them .

Then he eavesdropped at the door for a while, cracked his mouth and smiled with white teeth, turned and left with a small song.

I played here for nearly a week. Before I left, I fulfilled what I promised the Duchess and wanted to go to Country Y together. An Ge'er also contacted Fu Jiu, not only because it was the duchess’ meaning, but also myself. I wanted to let Fu Jiu know that Laura was only seeking asylum from the Duchess.

Only the duchess knows where Laura is.

Sophie turned pale when she heard that they were leaving. She thought they would live here forever, but she didn't want to. Through An Ge'er's explanation, she knew that they were from Country Z and she was going back now.

An Ge'er looked at Sophie with a smile, and asked her if she would go back with them.

In fact, as early as the beginning, Bo Yan told her, meaning she wanted to find something suitable, and then take it away.

Regarding this point, when An Ge’er was chatting with Sophie before, she secretly asked her about the situation at home. She has three children, one son is in high school, and two daughters are married. After all, they are people who are married. It's very early.

The son lives in a boarding school, and she works hard to make money, so it doesn't affect it overall. This is what An Ge'er thinks. The key is to see what Sophie thinks, and she feels that there is no delay.

An Geer thought that Sophie couldn't let go of her home, but she didn't want to. She was afraid of being alone in a foreign country. She was very scared, and her language was not clear. She had passed this half of her life and hadn't been anywhere.

Seeing this, Bo Yan doubled her salary again, with an annual salary of 300,000 US dollars, which is more than 2 million yuan. This salary is here, and Sophie can't even dream of it.

An Geer also said that the country Z is very good, and she can communicate in English. There is no obstacle, and she can also send her home to visit twice a year. Such attractive conditions, plus she is really right The hostess, like it tight, Sophie stomped and agreed.

Let's go to Country Y with the Duchess. When we set off in the morning, An Ge'er contacted Fu Jiu.

They left earlier, around five in the morning.

While in the car, An Ge'er called Fu Jiu, and the phone dialed a few times and finally connected, but the voice from over there surprised her.

Actually, it turned out to be--

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