My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 740: She went to torture Laura herself!

After so many years, even if she conceals each other, who can conceal him!


Su Chen stood up and looked at her condescendingly, with a cold expression, "So, you go out with Mullen at night, and don't come back overnight, don't you think it is necessary to tell me clearly?"

Fu Jiu looked at him with a weird expression, then shook his head, opened the door and went out, and said, "Su Chen, you think too much."

The door of the villa was closed with a bang, Fu Jiu's fist loosened and tightened, tight and loose.

This Su Chen is really getting too much!

That's right, she is willing to wave outside and play freely outside, but emotionally, she is not so eager to go on two boats.

He had already tied her up with his innocence, and she recognized it, who made the drunk do something wrong is her! ?

Now that she recognized it, even if she liked Mullen, she just liked it.

Mullen didn't like her again, and she wouldn't force it.

But even if Mullen really fell in love with her by accident one day, she would not really be with him.

For her, Su Chen is more a friend than a family member.

She considers his weight more important than her own, so she will not hurt him anyway.

Because she also knew that once she left him, they would never go back. Everything in the past would become a passing moment, and he might also disappear from his life sight.

This is something she dare not think about.

So she knew many things in her heart.

What's more, the most important thing is that although she likes Mullen, but not to the degree that he must be, she just likes the kind that looks cool and cold, but Mullen is right on it. Up.

It was true that I went out with Mullen in the evening, only because of the task.

The people involved in this incident were not only Mu Lun but also Li Hanfei.

She said that she didn't come back at night because she was afraid that it would be too late. Even if she was busy, it was midnight. She didn't want to come back at that time to affect his rest.

But... well... although she actually didn't want Li Hanfei and Mulen to find out that she actually ran to Su Chen to sleep...


At this moment, she came out and there was nothing wrong, except that she had just gotten angry with Su Chen, and let her breath out. Thinking of the call from An Ge'er, Fu Jiu went back--

Originally, Fu Jiu heard that An Ge'er said that she was going to be a guest with the Duchess. The Duchess wanted to see herself. She immediately refused. She laughed jokingly and said that she had made their Romant family a mess. It is said that Country Y The queen was furious about this.

How could she be ashamed to go to torture them again.

Unexpectedly, I did not expect to hear Laura's news from her in the next second.

This made her clever all of a sudden.

This little girl's cousin, she is still thinking about it.

Laura is desperate now, the only thing she can ask for help at home is the Duchess, after all, this is her eldest granddaughter.

After Fu Jiu hung up the phone, he sneered. Since Laura is there, how can she not go! ?

She really wanted to see, Laura, in the place she thought was the safest, when she met her as a guest.

Is it scared to pee, or scared to pee?

She is now avoiding them desperately.

She glanced at the time. It took only two hours to fly from Rome to Country Y. It was only early in the morning. Wandering around the Duchess of Country Y, the time would not be too long. The evening mission was at seven o'clock. It's too late to come back.

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