My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 745: The show has begun! ! !

"I think you all know that these two girls are my saviors, one of them, I am very close to her, so I plan to recognize her as my goddaughter." The Duchess said, stood up and walked to An Geer Holding her hand.

An Ge'er also stood up and smiled at everyone present, whether they were shocked or surprised, her eyes calm and indifferent.

I didn't get excited about getting such a ‘Prize’, just smiled plainly.

Both the words of the duchess and the performance of this girl surprised everyone in the Romant family.

"Mother, have you thought about this, is it improper?"

The prime minister's wife, her daughter-in-law asked with a reluctant smile.

It’s just that the Duchess is very resolute, “I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, and you don’t need to say too much. After all, I’m telling you, not discussing with you.”

The words are out.

The prime minister's wife suddenly felt hot on her face.

She really looked down on those little people and wanted to climb the dragon and the phoenix. In fact, when the wife of the prime minister went to visit her husband, she arbitrarily deleted the ‘intimidation’ emails from the arms group.

She never paid attention to such trivial matters and small people at all. This is a disease and cannot be cured for a while.

After the Duchess had said that, as expected, even if there were objections, the others would not dare to say anything.

Everyone can see that the Duchess is proof of her status as the first elder in the family. She is not confused yet, even if she is older, she cannot tolerate others to question her.

I'm talking about who the Duchess wants to recognize as a goddaughter. If others dare to disagree, don't they slap her in the face?

And the wife of the prime minister was obviously nosy, unable to distinguish the height of her brows and her eyes, and provoked the duchess.

Otherwise, he would not say this to ‘outsiders’.

Immediately everyone accepted it happily and prepared to start a meal.

While eating, the Duchess was still thinking about Laura, so she couldn’t help but said to them, “Laura, this kid contacted me and said that you are all arresting her and want to hand her over to those people. Really?"

When the Prime Minister heard this, he immediately lowered his knife and fork and condensed his eyebrows, "Mother, now Z State has been waiting for us to hand over Laura and deal with it in accordance with the law over there. If this is not the case, those people will continue to retaliate."

When An Ge'er heard this, she glanced at Bo Yan on the left, and then another chuckle came from her right.

It's Fu Jiu.

She was sipping red wine lightly, playing with her long hair, the meaning of the corners of her lips was unclear.

When An Ge'er looked at her, she knew she was ready to watch a good show.

"Those people are too much, they are simply driving them to a dead end." At this time, the prime minister's wife quickly agreed and said.

After all, I also know that I said something that I should not say before, and now I want to try my best to save it.

But the Duchess didn’t appreciate it. She skipped her words and asked her son again, “By the way, Laura also said that those people had caught her before, injected drugs into her, let her go into prostitution, and This kind of thing, seriously!?"

The words came out.

They all startled slightly, and then fell silent.

Obviously, this is true or false, it is very clear on the video, and they have also heard of Laura’s style on weekdays——

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