My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 753: The fury of the Duchess! !

Laura was covering her ears at this moment, still in shock and panic.

"Laura...! Tell your grandmother! Are they true!? Have you really done those things!?"

The duchess' voice was extremely suppressed with anger, word by word.

Laura shook her head frantically, still trying to explain, but when she saw Fu Jiu smiling weirdly at her, she ignored everything and quickly crawled over like a dog.

Regardless of the Duchess's backing, she hugged her leg and cried, "Grandma save me, I know I am wrong, I know I am wrong!"

As she said, she knelt on the ground and slammed her head fiercely, one after another. In front of the truth in everyone’s mouth, she couldn’t help but admit that she was the only one who could save her grandmother’s sympathy. Her person.

She didn't want to die, and she didn't want to stay in prison forever!

The duchess looked at Laura who was crazy, and saw that she finally admitted all this. She clutched her suffocated chest, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The matter was over, what could she say.

What Laura did is simply disgusting.

They used to be too indulgent in Laura's words and deeds. They are certainly wrong, but if they protect her at this time, no one can watch.

So at this time.

When she opened her eyes again, she could only say slowly, "Watch her well and let her get the punishment she deserves."

The words came out.

Each had his own mind, but An Geer breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that the Duchess was a wise man, reasonable and reasonable, and she should hand over Laura.

When Laura heard it, she was desperate, holding the Duchess' legs tightly and not letting go, shouting.

"Why do you say this? At this time, shouldn't you say that she is going to destroy our country!? Shouldn't it be said that she caused the reputation of our Romant family to be controversial for a while! Mother! She is It is our enemy!"

The prime minister's wife watched Laura's destiny so decided, she couldn't hold back her breath, and said eagerly and angrily.

It's just that as soon as she finished saying that, the Prime Minister almost slapped her in anger, and the sudden lift of his hand made the Prime Minister's wife shiver!

The prime minister is going to be **** off by his stupid lady!

Can they not know this! But just say that, is it looking for death? ?

How could the Duchess not know all this.

It's just that she didn't expect them to have such a great ability, even though she had known that they were not ordinary people. On the plane, one was a girl with a super IQ and the other was an agent who killed people without blinking.

But I still didn't expect that they were still holding the loopholes in their country, so at this time they could freely control the fate of their country.

Ann Geer looked at the duchess’ pale and solemn face, her eyes flickered slightly, and she said, “Duchess, everything has a priority. The person Laura killed was my nominal sister. She killed me and was condemned and expelled by my family. , As a star, I first let me bear the culpability of murder in front of the people of the whole country, and then the Romant family put pressure on her. After my repeated warnings, I was still driven to despair!"

When she said this, she stared at the prime minister’s wife with an indifferent look without the slightest emotion, "It can be said that the following consequences are caused by your own hands!"

After clapping a few crisp applause, Fu Jiu smiled ironically, "I really have to admire the words of the Prime Minister’s wife. According to you, we should be bullied by you. Even if we are bullied to death, we should not resist. You guys, don’t you?"

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