My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 763: Late autumn, moonlit night, confession under the street lamp

Looking at his bright eyes for a moment, he took off his gray fleece coat, wrapped it around her, and said unhurriedly, "What do you think?"

As he said, he paused, "I will go back to City A if there is nothing wrong now."

When Fu Jiu heard him say this, his eyelashes trembled.

In the bottom of my heart, he breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably. He just heard him say so abruptly that he almost gave her the illusion that he was leaving her.

But now...

He wants to go back to city a, how can he go back, she means, does he go back alone?

If that's the case, won't she be free temporarily?

When Fu Jiu thought of this, she cast her lips unconsciously, strange, she didn't seem to be very happy when she learned that she had returned to freedom.

Only this time.

Su Chen helped her wrap her up, then raised her little face and asked softly, "So, I was thinking, if there is nothing wrong with you, can you...come with me?"

When Fu Jiu heard this, his eyes widened slightly.

He wants her to go there too?

Is it okay... Actually... She seems to be fine.

If the mission is to be carried out, the planes flying around are all used to it.

So now.

She coughed, as if she didn't want him to think that she could easily agree to that all at once, frowning deliberately, "Actually, I really seem to be busy recently..."

Seeing his slightly raised eyebrows, Fu Jiu quickly coughed again, and hypocritically turned off the hair scattered behind his ears, and whispered, "But it's okay. Since you want me to pass, then I will I will accompany you in the past."

After she finished speaking, she looked up at him without a trace, but saw that he was looking at her affectionately.

My face felt hot instantly.

Under the street lights, the night is very cold.

The coat was given to her, and he was left with a high-necked off-white cashmere sweater. His face was exquisite and dusty, which made him look clean and beautiful, and his temperament was gentle.

Fu Jiu only felt that after she agreed, the atmosphere around the two of them was weird for a while, as if some ambiguous and gentle aura was flowing.

It makes her feel like a bug crawling in the bottom of her heart.

Two figures, one tall and one short, stood under the dimly yellow street lamp. Su Chen raised her little face and suddenly asked, "Xiao Jiu, have I spoken to you."


With hot cheeks, Fu Jiu looked at him inexplicably embarrassed, and had to stare at his chest and said, "What?"

"…I like you very much."

I don't like it, but I like it very much.

Fu Jiu's face was startled: "..."

After a long time, he slowly raised his head, staring at him blankly, but waves of waves were thrown in my heart.

the first time.

Although she knew Su Chen's thoughts about her, it was the first time she heard it from her ears.

She swallowed, feeling that her heartbeat was inexplicably uncontrollable.

Boom boom, boom boom.

And she just looked up at him at this time, his sight, tender and affectionate, this is a man who seems to be able to warm her years.

Fu Jiu just looked at him like that, leaned slightly, lowered his head, leaned close to her little by little, and kissed her blushing lips softly.

She suddenly trembled like an electric shock.

In the next second, I kept telling myself in my brain, Fu Jiu, hold on, hold on, hold on!

It was just a kiss, but she actually felt like she was going to freeze.


She completely forgot to avoid, she seemed to be bewitched by the deep affection in his eyes, and she was deeply trapped in—

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