My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 773: Uncle knows Jane! ?

People like her can only torture herself in the world.


Tomorrow officially continue to boot, An Geer first took the script and went home.

It's just that she didn't expect her uncle to come back so early. As soon as Ire sent her and Sophie back, she saw her uncle standing in front of the window with her back to her, who was calling someone.

Seeing her back, he looked back at her and continued to make the phone.

An Ge'er wanted to go upstairs to change clothes first, but when she first went upstairs, she accidentally heard something from her uncle's conversation, and she immediately stopped her feet!

She just seemed to perceive her paused figure, Bo Yan glanced over here, An Ge'er immediately lowered her head and pretended to say something to Sophie, and went upstairs, but in her heart , But could not help but set off layers of waves.

She really didn't expect it.

My uncle didn't know who was calling, but in his speech just now, she clearly heard him mention the arms group and also mentioned a person.


This is what surprised her, the heart missed a beat!

what's the situation?

How did the uncle know Jane! ?

When did you know it? If he knows that Jane is the chief gun designer of the Arms Group, does he know that Jane is her! ?

Although An Ge'er had thought of letting her uncle know her identity, how could she say this kind of thing casually? Naturally, it is to find the best time.

Let him see with his own eyes, it must be more powerful than any language.

It's just that she didn't expect that the younger uncle would have noticed Jane from the arms group.

You know, Jane joined the arms group later. Although the international community knows that there is such a genius who sells firearms design drawings, she doesn't know that she already belongs to the arms group.

When joining, her identity information was also included in the group's system.

And hers must belong to encrypted information.

It's just that she doesn't know, my uncle's... such as that computer expert, Qin Shuangshuang, can she invade the encryption system of the arms group?

An Ge'er's heart tightened.


At this time, Bo Yan was on the phone with Leng Jue.

"Well, I know, but I suggest to find someone reliable and capable of doing this." Bo Yan said in a low voice.

Leng Jue thought for a while, "Our own people, what do you think?"


Bo Yan raised his eyebrows.

Leng Jue paused, "Ye Che."

Bo Yan twisted his eyebrows, "Are you sure you didn't joking with me? How could a man like Ye Che do that kind of thing?"

Leng Jue snorted unexpectedly, "If he is sure to let him do it, he can definitely do it."

Bo Yan's brows were still twisted, and for a while, his eyes flashed, "In that case, tell him about it. If it doesn't work, I'll change it immediately."

And Leng Jue's special forces over there.

A group of special soldiers looked at their always cold, steady, and fierce special colonel. At this time, they were talking on the phone, but they didn't know what they thought of, and laughed playfully.

I felt a chill in my back for an instant, and I felt that someone was unfortunately calculated by it.

After hanging up the phone, Bo Yan looked out the window with a deep gaze.

Nowadays, with the fierce competition in the world, whether it is weapons or biochemical viruses and other weapons, they have become hot treasures, let alone investigators who want to win over?

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