My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 787: I look down on An Ge'er to abuse her

It's just that she didn't expect that Bo Yan didn't look back, but he said without emotion, "Is it enough?"

Leng Qing's heart suddenly tightened, what, what...

Bo Yan turned around and looked at her gaze, showing no emotion, very indifferent.

Only the words that he said from his mouth shocked Leng Qing's heart greatly...

I saw his cold and thin lips lightly open, and a faint voice came, "No matter what she is like... Even if she has a sinister heart and is all evil, as long as she is willing to stay by my side, I will be satisfied. "

After Bo Yan finished speaking, he glanced at her with a cold look, and said, "You can't touch her again in the future, otherwise don't blame me for being polite!"

At the end of the conversation, he turned around and left.

But Leng Qing stood there alone, the huge waves rolling in her heart, as if she was experiencing strong fluctuations.

No, how could this be?

Leng Qing couldn't imagine that Bo Yan would be so addicted to her.

Yes, even if An Ge'er has no advantages or benefits, even if he knows that she will play schemingly and pretend to be pitiful, but still like her so much, as long as she can stay with him, he is willing to do anything.

Such a Bo Yan, what kind of Gu did she put him on him! ?


Although Leng Qing was shocked in her heart, she couldn't say anything.

She was unwilling to suffer from Bo Yan, and when she arrived at Mu Feng, she wanted to ask casually if An Ge'er's ability was weak.

It seemed that she might only be able to compare to her in these competitive occasions. It seemed that such a gap could make her feel better.


But don't want to.

What Mu Feng said surprised her.

She thought that this kind of firearm was not based on hard work in one or two days. The most important thing is talent, but An Ge's delicate appearance is not like the kind that can afford a gun. People.

But he didn't think that Dao Mu Feng would praise her high talent, learn things very quickly, and she was indeed very smart.

As soon as Leng Qing heard such remarks from her instructor, she felt a little unconvinced at the moment.

Why doesn't she believe that An Ge'er can be so good! ?

Therefore, in addition to the unwillingness she received from Bo Yan before, and the instructor's dissatisfaction with her high judgment at this time, she looked at An Ge'er who was training on the field, and she walked directly over.

"Hey! What are you going to do! Bo Yan just left, don't mess around!"

Mu Feng naturally knew about the conflict between her and An Ge'er before, and immediately shouted a reminder that Bo Yan would ask him for the safety of An Ge'er here. If something happened, don't look at him as the instructor. But I can't afford it at all!

Leng Qing saw that Mu Feng was still helping An Ge'er to speak, for fear that he thought that he would hurt that little white lotus. His face looked a little ugly, but she said a little angrily, "I won't fight her again."

What does this mean, one or two are towards An Ge'er, does she seem to be such a bully person! ?

She was just very unconvinced.

Isn't Mu Feng full of praise for her, she inspected her practice effect, can't it? !

As she said, she walked into the field, beside An Ge'er.

An Ge'er wears ear-protective earphones on her ears. She is shooting at the target, and her eyes are not falling on Leng Qing's body. Even if she walks over, she still assumes that she hasn't seen it.

Leng Qing saw that she was ignored by An Ge'er, and now—

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