My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 797: Bo Yan broke in suddenly! Find!

After all, feelings are a matter of two people, so that people who have nothing to do with them know what to do? !

Queen Fu Jiu expressed her relationship problems and was very private.

And Su Chen's eyes were slightly indifferent and cold.

Don't say anything.

This matter was over, but Fu Jiu still failed to let Li Hanfei go, so he forced Li Hanfei to take out the picture of his current girlfriend.

Everyone is obviously still very interested in this, even An Ge'er is curious and looking forward to it.

Just when Li Hanfei passed it up, suddenly the door of her room was opened——!

Before An Ge'er had time to look at it, she closed the computer instantly, turned and stood up.

"...Uncle!? Why didn't you come in without knocking?"

An Ge'er was startled, and looked at him in surprise.

Bo Yan looked at her with an apparently startled look, his eyes darkened before he knew it, "I knocked it, you didn't hear it."

He said, walking over, "What are you doing in the room?"

And An Geer was a little nervous and blocked in front of the desk computer, scratching his hair and muttering, "Nothing, just just stay for a while."

Bo Yan walked directly in front of her, looked down at her who was a little bewildered for a while, and pulled her away. An Geer quickly exclaimed, "Don't... Uncle."

Behind her is the computer.

If it was opened by my uncle--

An Ge'er squeezed her hand tightly, really dying, how could she be careless for a while! ?

But after Bo Yan opened An Ge'er directly, he saw the computer on the table behind her. It was blocked by her. Why, what is she doing with the computer?

And when An Ge'er watched her uncle pull her away, she stretched out her hand to touch her computer.

But he had no choice but to watch the notebook being picked up by him.

Bo Yan could see all her expressions without a trace. He originally wanted to turn on the computer's hand, but when he saw her face turned pale in shock, he hesitated.

In the end, he just picked it up and put it aside, and said in a serious voice, "Did you forget that you are pregnant now? You can't get close to things like computers anymore."

Seeing his actions and words, An Ge'er immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time did not forget to nod repeatedly, "I know my uncle, I will never touch it again."

Looking at her face, Bo Yan knew that she must have hidden secrets.

He hides what he doesn't know, and hides secrets that he doesn't want him to know.

Although he was not happy about this in his heart, even a little displeased and angry, in order to respect her own privacy and will, he would not pry into her secrets.

At the same time, he was also waiting. He believed that one day, she would tell him the things she dared not tell him, and the secrets she had hidden from him.


Bo Yan remembered what Mu Feng had said on the phone with him before. His eyes were deep, and he pulled her to sit on his lap and asked, "I heard that instructor Mu said that you have tried shooting and gun disassembly and assembly with Leng Qing this year?"

"...Well, indeed, when Leng Qing heard instructor Mu said that I performed well, she wanted to learn from me." An Ge'er did not hide it.

"Compare? The result is that you have won her, right?"

Ten shots have hit ten rings, and Mu Feng sighs that the speed of gun disassembly and fighting is not as good as this ability. No one is born with this ability. It inevitably requires later ability training, but she has never had it.

So she--

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