My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 807: The stroller sliding down the high slope... scared to pee

At least there are not so many cars blocking the front to avoid being knocked away.

The appearance of the armored vehicle also instantly made the passengers and students in the vehicle a little nervous and excited, thinking that they might be saved.

At this time, a military-type Hummer drove up to them, and someone stuck out a handsome body and shouted with a loudspeaker, "Angel, let the driver go to the **** highway. That highway is newly built. Yes, it has not been officially opened for use. I will show you the way. Drive on that road first, just open it."

At this time, the man who shouted was not someone else, but Leng Jue.

This kind of thing that happened today was quite a sensation. As a colonel of the special forces, he should rescue this bus for both public and private purposes. One bus has already exploded. Don’t let everyone in the second bus die. .

What's more, if An Ge'er has any accident, then the man who is rushing over now is probably going crazy.

Leng Jue's words were heard through the loudspeaker all over the car, and Xu Taijing knew what he was going to do without An Ge'er repeating it.

The four armored vehicles in front drove separately, and the front one opened the road, leading the vehicle away from the block.

It's just that when the first few buses drove past, and the buses that followed them at a distance of 20 meters, they suddenly encountered a tricky thing.

"Fuck--! Fuck! What the **** is that!" Xia Qiqi looked at the door of a supermarket on a high **** next to him. Two women were talking, and there was a stroller beside him.

And the woman just said that she was so excited that she waved her hand and accidentally hit the stroller, and suddenly the stroller began to slide down the high slope—

"Hey, my car--!"

The woman yelled and hurried to chase.

However, the stroller ran faster and faster, and rushed faster downhill. Later, the woman couldn't catch up at all, and directly rushed from the **** to the road.

On the highway at this time, the bus was driving quickly, and both An Ge'er and Xia Qiqi's eyes widened when they saw the baby carriage that was about to rush down.

"Xu Taijing, Xu Taijing, what can I do, Xu Taijing——!"

Xia Qiqi squeezed Xu Taijing's arm tightly and shouted!

And Xu Taijing also had a face like a dog, it was a baby carriage, no matter how good his driving skills were, he could not avoid the baby carriage!

And this was just a moment of effort. The car stopped and drove forward. Amidst the screams of the woman who ran down on the side of the road, in the shock of the people in the car——

The stroller was suddenly hit and flew high--

Then there was a crackling moment, countless oranges fell down and hit the car window, on the roof of the car—

"I- **** fuck!"

Everyone watched this scene and recovered for a long time, and Xia Qiqi wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and cursed.


Xu Taijing's eyes twitched.

Even An Ge'er couldn't help rolling his eyes, his back was already in a cold sweat.

In the end, it was a false alarm. The bus finally followed the armored car in front on a newly built road in a thrilling journey, but after leading the road, the other three turned straight and evacuated, leaving the place where Leng Yue was. One followed.

At this time, the rescue vehicle came. This is a real rescue vehicle. It is about the same length as a bus. It is red and sent by the fire brigade. Because the vehicle may explode at any time, the fire truck is prepared for it.

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