My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 814: Laura asked him to kneel for her

Forced, she raised her head, and the pistol slipped on her neck. Her crazy energy seemed to want to kill her in the next second.

But in fact, even if she thinks about it again, she won't stop so early, because no one in the car will survive until the end, and she will drag them to die together.

It's just that before that, how could she let such a good opportunity pass, now that she is not torturing them well, is she going to torture in hell?

"What do you want!? As long as you can let her go, I will satisfy you whatever you want."

"Haha, that's okay, I will tell you to kneel for me now and kneel in front of me——!"

Laura really wanted to see how arrogant and indifferent man could do for his beloved woman.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the car opened their eyes wide, and the nerves that were already hanging tightly, at this time, the heart was about to jump to the throat.

She, what did she say?

She actually wanted ash to kneel down for her! ?

An Geer's eyes shrank suddenly, staring at him firmly, shaking his head, no, absolutely no!

But Bo Yan glanced at An Ge'er, and then his body slowly knelt down.

An Ge'er stared stupidly.

no no.

How could Bo Yan kneel down for Laura's disgusting woman.

"No--! Bo Yan! You are not allowed to kneel to her! You are not allowed to kneel! If you kneel down, I will die for you!"

An Ge'er's eyes were red, and she grabbed Laura's hand, directly trying to make her wipe the gun away.

When Laura saw her grab her gun, she fired directly, and that shot was missed in the scramble and hit a person directly. The person screamed in an instant, covering her abdomen. His eyes widened palely.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, Bo Yan suddenly got up and raised the gun, An Geer bit on Laura’s wrist, and the elbow hit her abdomen fiercely. Laura dropped the gun, but the car Suddenly it became chaotic, and An Ge'er immediately lowered his head to grab the gun but was suddenly kicked flying by someone.

"Don't move! Don't move--!"

Seeing Bo Yan's muzzle facing her, she quickly took An Ge'er as a hostage, and at the same time a dagger was placed across her neck, and a panic shout flashed across her face.

Bo Yan also cursed fiercely, his face was gloomy, and he shouted angrily, "Everyone squatted down and held their heads! Who the **** moved me to kill someone!"

So many people in the car blocked Laura in a mess, otherwise he would have shot her to death just now.

But at this moment An Ge'er and Bo Yan shouted, "Shoot, shoot her to death!"

"You shoot, I'll kill her in front of you when I shoot!" Laura said with the dagger a little harder, her face twisted and hideous.

An Ge'er pressed her lips tightly, and looked at Bo Yan.

The eyes of both of them are profound.

It seems invisibly, there is something faintly communicating.

An Ge'er's eyes were firm, while Bo Yan frowned.

Laura was still threatening him, the knife against An Ge's neck.

Xia Qiqi on the side was almost dying of anxiety, clenching his hands tightly and pulling his heart together.

I dare not see Bo Yan looking at the gun, what if Laura asks An Ge'er to block the gun! ?

It's just that she just thought about it, when she heard a bang, Bo Yan shot.

Laura instantly hid behind An Ge'er.

Bo Yan's shot hit An Ge'er without a doubt, but...

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