My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 816: Race against time in the last thirty minutes!

Although all that just happened was thrilling enough, there was something even more tricky right now, even if he didn't want to interrupt them at this moment.

Xu Taijing said, "Um... now the oil in the tank is almost gone, what should I do next?"

"How long can it last?!"

Bo Yan asked with an eyebrow.

"...At most half an hour..."

The words came out.

The people in the car were silent for an instant, and the smell of blood permeated the car, as if it turned into the claws of death, invisibly strangling their necks, making it difficult for them to breathe, and their faces pale.

There is still half an hour.

Does this mean they can only live for another half an hour?

An Ge'er went to see Bo Yan, but Bo Yan stroked her hair lightly, "Be good, don't be afraid, it will be fine."

An Ge'er shook her head. At this point, she couldn't say anything. With him, she would feel at ease. No matter where they were, even if they would die in the next second, she also felt at ease.

Bo Yan took out his phone, called up the navigation, and walked to Xu Taijing's side and said, "Did you see it, along this line, there should be a few hundred meters away now, then turn left, there is the airport, go there first open."

Driving to the airport is undoubtedly the best. The airport has a large area and it is good to go around in circles. Now it is important to deal with the bomb as soon as possible.

As the car drove to the airport, Bo Yan went to look for the bomb. There was an iron plate on the ground at the door of the bus. At this time, Bo Yan slammed the iron rice with a pistol. When he looked down, he found that it was tied to it. There are nearly five kilograms of bombs.

An Ge'er's heart hung again.

At this time, another text message suddenly came on the phone.

An Ge'er quickly opened it, and it was Xu Wei. Xu Wei's message said: I didn't expect Bo Yan to go up too. He really loves you and loves even life. Do you think you are a broom star?

Then I sent another one: Don’t make him bother, that can’t be relieved, and if you have that time, you might as well be more intimate for a while, and you can only meet in the underworld for a while.

An Ge'er looked at the text messages and held her hands tightly.

She didn't listen to what Xu Wei said, but was thinking about how Xu Wei looked at them! ? Why is everything in the car so clear to her! ?


An Ge'er felt that she had found a way out.

If they find the monitoring equipment that allows Xu Wei to discover them, so that she can no longer monitor them, can they figure out a way to let people jump out of the car and escape! ?

An Ge'er thought so, looked around, and finally stopped on the monitor at the head of the bus.

That is a monitoring device.

Could it be said that Xu Wei has the ability to synchronize the screen of the monitoring device to her own device?

An Ge'er asked Bo Yan to come up and made it clear to him. Xia Qiqi was listening. As soon as he couldn't help but stare at the monitoring device, An Ge'er stopped it, "Don't look. Don't make her suspicious."

"Since it's the culprit, I just smashed her so that she can't monitor us!" Xia Qiqi said, she raised her hand.

"No! Don't be impulsive, if she sees us smashed, as soon as she can't see us, she must know that we want to escape, she will detonate the bomb."

An Ge'er explained in a deep voice.

"Then what should we do!?"

Xia Qiqi's face was blank but eager--

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