My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 819: Stupid woman, who said we are dying! ?

She suddenly interrupted her and said loudly, her breathing became a little short, then she looked at Bo Yan again, and she said, "Uncle Bo, I will leave it to you, Geer, take good care of her in the future and stop letting her participate in such dangerous things. "

An Ge'er's eyes were red all at once.

Bo Yan's eyes flashed, and he wanted to say something, but he heard Xu Taijing say, "Don't get out of the car quickly!? Believe me! I can't die! You all get out of the car!"

Xia Qiqi directly pushed them out, "Hurry up! Just as An Ge'er over there landed on the iron plate, he was caught by the opposite person. At the same time, the bus door was suddenly closed by Xia Qiqi. Up!

Prevent them from coming up again.

And An Ge'er looked at Xia Qiqi inside who was still smiling at her indifferently, waved to her, her tears finally couldn't be controlled, and poured out like a dam pierced by the sea...

How could this be……

Bo Yan hugged her tightly while holding her tightly with the other hand, looking at the bus that had left them with a complicated expression.


And on the bus at this time, Xia Qiqi sat down beside Xu Taijing and smiled, "How about it, are you moved? Tell you, I'm not because I don't want you, but I'm afraid of your death. I feel guilty for a lifetime."

Xu Taijing's eyes were deep and complicated.

Gradually, the corners of his lips curled up, he smiled, and said to her, "Stupid woman, who said we are going to die!?"

Xia Qiqi was startled.

She looked at Xu Taijing in amazement.

Xu Taijing glanced at the front, adjusted a long enough path, then lowered his head to put a long stick-like object against the chair, and the other end against the throttle.

"Turn around and put down the iron plate below." Xu Taijing was sweating on this side and said to Xia Qiqi.

Xia Qiqi quickly turned around and opened the iron plate that Bo Yan had opened with the gun before. Xu Taijing confirmed that the wooden stick was firmly against the accelerator and couldn't move, then he tried to move his foot little by little.

He drove the speed to the fastest and the throttle to the maximum, which was far greater than the 50-step speed, so that he could have room to see how firm the stick was.

At this time, after seeing it was okay, he took a long breath of relief and got up from his seat and walked over.

Xia Qiqi's face turned pale in fright, for fear that the stick would suddenly jump away!

After Xu Taijing opened the iron plate, the ground was underneath the car.

This iron plate is detachable, and there is also the kind of long thin tire strap hidden here, which is very elastic.

Xu Taijing let her carry across the sides of the iron plate and tied one end to the car.

The current situation is--

Half of the iron plate less than two meters long and wide was dragged by the car under the car, and half was leaning on the car. The long black thin leather belt in the middle was held by Xu Taijing.

"How do you dare to go down?"

Xu Taijing looked at Xia Qiqi and asked.

Xia Qiqi was already dumbfounded, but she quickly swallowed her mouth nervously, "Dare, what dare not!"

Xu Taijing hooked up the corners of her mouth, and then took her hand, and the two of them sat down directly with their legs on the iron plate, and they were going to slide out of the car along the iron plate.

But when the two were about to skate, Xia Qiqi couldn't help but tremble and said, "Xu, Xu Taijing, will we be run over by the car!?"

Xu Taijing is a little helpless, can she not say such things at this time! ?

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