My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 821: You stinky rascal!

I was afraid that if I was really in that car, I would have blown up to the point that there was no scum left.

She didn't know where the courage came from, she had stayed in the car before.

But in fact, she is so afraid of death, she has no righteousness, just a careless and violent girl, and she has no great sentiment.

This is not a joke after all.

This is really a moment of life and death.

It wasn't until after one experience that she felt how solid it was to live and step on the ground.

So much so that Xu Taijing wanted to help her get up, and Xia Qiqi lay on the ground all of a sudden, with red eyes and said that she would feel the taste of touching the ground for a while.

They hid under the wing of the plane, Xia Qiqi stretched out his hands and touched the ground and breathed desperately, while Xu Taijing leaned over her.

Looking at her fair and beautiful face.

In fact, Xia Qiqi is also long and quiet, with a small face with big palms, white and clean, delicate eyebrows, a small nose and a small mouth, and one short head is found to reach his neck, and he just has a half-ball head.

It looks very playful.

Obviously a quiet face, but a big voice and rude linguistics.

It's just that the family from the martial arts hall treated her as a son without a son. She was careless, but she was firm and courageous, and had a sense of responsibility. She really seemed to be inconsistent with those vulgar coquettish bitches.

And Xu Taijing used to like that kind of coquettish bastard, but then she felt tired until she met Xia Qiqi.

This unique brutal and violent girl.

And Xu Taijing had to say that he was just looking at her at this time, his eyes closed slightly, his small face was slightly white, his lips were lightly pressed, the tip of his little nose was red, and a line of tears slowly flowed down his eyes. Suddenly, his heart pulled.

He was used to her bluffing. When she was noisy, he didn't expect her to cry quietly, but it made his heart feel so muffled and painful.

Let his love flow from the bottom of his heart.

No matter how brutal and violent she is, she is still a girl after all.

When she was able to accompany him in the car before, even if he knew he would not die, he was still moved by her. He was always stalking her, thinking she would annoy him. .

Unexpectedly, in the end, she stayed and spent life and death with him.

No one knows how shocking his heart will be at that moment.

I have lived a superior life since I was a child, but my parents cared very little. With a bunch of friends, friends, who can live and die with you?

As for her in front of her, his mentality slowly changed from the moment he was beaten to rescue him in the small forest.

She is indeed a good girl, not only good, but also stupid.

Stupid enough that he would rather accompany his unruly young master to death.

This made Xu Taijing more determined to make her determination.

So at this moment, looking at Xia Qiqian lying on the ground quietly with his eyes closed, he slowly bent over and lowered his head, trying to kiss her lips.

Nervous, a little nervous.

He slowly closed his eyes and kept going down.


He keeps going down, down, and seems to have... down?

Until it hit the cold ground.

He was startled, suddenly opened his eyes, it was really cold ground, and suddenly turned his head, but saw Xia Qiqi tilted his head, looking at him strangely, then slapped him and heard her yelling. "Stinking rogue!"

Xu Taijing grabbed it--

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