My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 823: Xu Wei's sad life

Immediately held An Ge'er's shoulders, "Silly girl, don't cry, they are not dead."

An Ge'er continued to hide her face and choke, shook her head and choked, "Don't lie to me, I am sorry for them, blame me, blame me...!"

"Geer! You fool! No one will blame you!"

Suddenly, the loud and clear voice yelled from behind, An Ge'er became stiff, but she opened her eyes in confusion, looked at Bo Yan, and said in disbelief, "...Uncle, I It seems to hear Qiqi calling me."

Bo Yan kissed her forehead affectionately, her thin lips lightly opened, "Silly girl, this is true."

An Ge'er was shocked again!

what did he say?

This, is this really true?

An Ge'er kept wiping her tears and looked back quickly.

But seeing Xia Qiqi smiling with teeth, he rushed forward and gave her a bear hug, only to realize that she was pregnant, and quickly let go of her, gently stroked her belly with a little hand, bent over and said softly, "My baby, my baby, tell your little mommy to come back!"

An Ge'er just looked at Xia Qiqi who suddenly appeared behind her, and at Xu Taijing, who put her hands in her trouser pockets and smiled casually, her lips moved, but she couldn't say a word...


Ten minutes ago.

Xu Wei was in a simple little bungalow, hiding in the dark watching that small broken TV, still holding a small broken phone in her hand, wearing tacky clothes.

There is no aura of all the big stars in the past.

It's just that she doesn't seem to care at all at this time, her eyes have been watching the news broadcast on the TV, while watching, while she is stuffing some snacks in her mouth.

Since Laura escaped from the accident, she couldn't stay abroad, so she smuggled back to China. On the day she returned, she was like a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouted.

Let her go away as a stinky beggar.

That night she was shrinking in a corner of the bustling street market, eating bread from the hard-hearted charity, and looking at the huge poster on the big screen in the square.

The lights shone, especially eye-catching.

Xu Wei clearly remembered that her poster was hung there.

The goddess of countless men.

And now, the top has already been replaced, replaced by Hua Dan, An Ge'er from the popular Sum Group.

She is so beautiful.

Xu Wei shrank in the corner, thinking that way.

But afterwards, she changed into haha ​​and laughed, tears coming out of laughter.

It's really interesting, what the **** did she do, she actually made herself like this.

No, she didn't do it.

It was An Ge'er, Bo Yan, and all of them, who turned the high above and much-anticipated goddess into a stinky beggar on the street. In the end, when she was begging for dinner, she was actually recognized by an old man of her own.

However, the old man who pityed her seemed very poor. He lived in this small ruined house and gave her food and drink. She mainly slept with her, and her body had long been despised by countless people.

She doesn't care anymore.

But when she let the half-handicapped old man **** herself, she asked him to get a bomb. After the old man got it, she let him **** that night.

That night, she listened to the old man's gasping, galloping on her body, her eyes became blurred when she widened her eyes, and the scene she had imagined appeared...

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