My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 876: Punish her!

No one had the heart to hang her up and waited to be like other prisoners. It was also possible that it was because of her special status that after she was in a coma, she gave her nutrition and glucose injections.

It didn't wake up with whipping like other prisoners.

When they saw An Ge'er close their eyes, they didn't care. They continued speaking, their meaning was very clear. They hoped to get a series of high-energy weapons design schemes such as Metal Storm, and hoped that she could be used by them, and hoped that... First-hand information of all criminals of the arms group.

These An Ge'er had already guessed.

It's just that she wants to laugh. They do a lot of shameful things by standing on the ‘right and bright’ side, and use their supreme power to do what they think is right.

To get her, I want her to be used by them, to design weapons for them, and to make them stronger.

What is the difference between them and the so-called "bad guys" in their mouths?

The only difference is that they have the highest authority granted by a national government. If they do not agree, they are anti-social and anti-human terrorists and will be severely executed.

But she just got caught.

They wouldn't let her go so easily.

In order for her to be used by them, they will use ‘all means’ to force her to become theirs.

This is the beginning.


An Geer wanted to say.

They don’t have to use those methods, she will soon “compromise”. She is a pregnant woman with a child. She can’t bear any of the punishments they have. She is not a full-time agent, she has extraordinary perseverance. Those methods were used on her, and she would be unconscious within a few seconds.

Very useless.

She couldn't bear the pain, it seemed that she seemed very hopeless, but that was the fact.

Besides, she didn't want to.

Designing arms was only a hobby of her and a source of her own money. She didn't need to take her own life. Her life was still a small matter, and the children in her belly were really big things for her.

Now that she had been arrested, she couldn't say anything. For example, she didn't expect that the one who sent her into the hands of the anti-terrorist group would actually belong to their group... Mullen.

It would actually be... him.

No matter how hard it is to believe, it will be of no avail to say anything now.

The only thing she can do now is to face it calmly and rationally, and try her best to preserve the integrity of the child, which is her biggest task now.

Others, it doesn't matter whether she is selfish, or she has no conscience.

Let her, a little mother, take on the responsibility and obligation to protect her child first, and leave the rest to the fuck.


So when the old man opened his mouth to give her an order for drug control, she directly compromised.

Said that she could surrender the design drawings of her high-energy weapons and still use them for them.

But there is one thing.

She does not belong to anyone, any government, she is her and is independent.

It was the first time An Ge'er saw such an old man.

He has a kind face. When she was tempted and wanted to refuse, he, with a kind face, opened his mouth to say that she was injecting drugs.

Drugs, facing her as a young girl, came as soon as she said, without hesitation.

After she compromised, he still smiled amicably.

At this moment An Ge'er knew--

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