That leak would collapse like an anthill before the dam burst, breaking all his will.

But Bai Lingyun temporarily stopped the movement in his hand and immediately took out the claw machine from his pocket.

Just a glance, then immediately turned around and quickly walked outside the small shop.

The familiar sound of the sole hitting the ground once again forcibly reclaimed the consciousness of the wind chime.

Unexpectedly, in the past eighteen years, the nightmarish voice actually helped him to continue the last bit of qi!

The message on Bai Lingyun's claw machine reads:

[Director! Heavenly crows are found over the palace! Also carried a sack, suspected of containing the target person, is hunting!

He almost ran, speeding past two hundred knives.

"Everyone, come with me!"

At this time, the two hundred knives suddenly sneered:

"It seems that after I left, the Bai family's special operations department is becoming more and more incompetent."

When Bai Lingyun heard this, his head turned halfway, and his eyes were grim.

But did not stop, took everyone to the rainstorm, flew into the sky.

Two hundred swords: Eighth-order Heavenly Spirit Master

Original position: Bai Family Special Operations Department, director.

Five seconds after Bai Lingyun led the person away, two hundred knives spread their breath.

The powerful aura spreads to a radius of 5 kilometers!

A terrifying and powerful golden energy flowed into every surrounding street like a torrent!

If a spirit master or monster looks from above, he will find that this area is all shining gold.

All the monsters within five kilometers who wanted to come out in the middle of the night to breathe felt this terrifying spirit master breath, and they were so frightened that they quickly held back.

After making sure that there was no one around, the two hundred knives quickly withdrew the knife.

He walked a few steps to the front of the shelf and touched the mechanism.

The wind chimes in front of him gave him goosebumps and froze in place!

At this time, the wind chimes knelt on the ground, covering his mouth and nose with one hand, and clutching his heart with the other.

His face was already purple, and his eyes were protruding and covered with red blood, as if they were scarlet than that demon pupil.

The moment he saw the two hundred knives, Wind Chime rolled his eyes.

The waist jerked, the head rushed up, and the mouth was open.

All the qi in his lungs, even with the irrepressible demon qi in his body, all erupted from his mouth.

His body was also growing rapidly, and the black rune that made the two hundred knives somewhat familiar climbed on his face.

The hair is visible to the naked eye from top to bottom, gradually turning into snow-white strands.


he whispered in pain, and even now, he was still holding back.

Two hundred knives clicked in their hearts, and quickly closed the door of the secret passage.

Walk quickly to the shelf inside and turn over a small box.

Inside is the auspicious charm.

Quickly walked to the side of the wind chime, and lifted the wind chime, which was still releasing demon qi, directly from the ground.

His fingers hooked his pants and took off half of them directly.

Raised his hand, and at the same time scolded in his mouth:

"Father and son are looking for me for something to do!"

Snap -

slapped heavily on the white ass of the wind chime!

A golden light flashed, and the auspicious talisman disappeared into the body of the wind chime.


demon qi released outside suddenly, like time reversing, all retracted into the body of the wind chime.

The wind chime was also at this moment, his consciousness collapsed and he fainted.

Two hundred knives saw that the wind chimes passed out, and then put him on the ground.

Finally, I also breathed a long sigh of relief.

Some looked at the wind chimes in disbelief.

The strength of the demon qi released by the wind chime just now was at most a second-order monster.

Even if there is a trace of the demon qi of the Heavenly Crow in the body, it is absolutely impossible to suppress it.

How did he do it?

And since just now, he has not been breathing?

So long!?

Bai Lingyun had to spend at least a few minutes shopping in this shop!

"You boy, aren't you really afraid to suffocate yourself!"

This will, even two hundred knives feel terrifying.

"It's simply not human!"

"Oh, you're not human in the first place."

Looking at the wind chimes whose face gradually returned to normal and breathed evenly, the two hundred knives simply sat on the ground.

I remembered the moment when the wind chime transformed just now.

The memories of many years ago couldn't help but flood my heart, and the corners of my mouth gently raised:

"Both father and son look so annoying, one beaten!"

After confirming that there was no problem with the wind chime, the two hundred knives slowly got up and walked out of the dark room.

A strong wind blew and made him shiver.

The store is already raining.

Looking at the broken glass door, the two hundred knife faces turned livid again.

He kind of wants to go back and throw the wind chimes out now!

Damn it!

In the end, I could only force myself to clean up the mess, and then sit at the door and blow the cold wind.

No way, the door still has to be seen, life still has to go on....

He didn't want to wake up tomorrow morning and see that his shop had been emptied by dog thieves.

I brewed a pot of hot tea, brought it to my mouth and blew it softly, then drank it all, closed my eyes and enjoyed it for a moment.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and glanced down at the knife in his hand.

With a slightly gloomy expression on his face, he said softly:

"Ghost Dao, it seems that we are really old..."

After a long sigh, he was speechless all night.

The next morning, the wind chimes were awakened by a clanging of metal.


stretched, and suddenly thought of something.

The hazy sleepy eyes opened in an instant.

He sat up from the ground.

The first thing is to look at your hands and touch your heart.


Still alive?

I'm alive!


I survived last night!

This joy, this happiness, has never been felt in the past eighteen years of wind chimes!

Today is his first day of 18 years old, the first day of freedom!

He subconsciously wanted to laugh out loud, but just laughed and covered his mouth.

I didn't know what was going on outside, so I immediately leaned over to the wall and listened.

There is only the sound of ringing ringing.

What about the crows?

Hasn't the Raven come back yet?

Wind Chimes shouted in his heart, hoping that the Crow would give a response.

It's a pity not.

What about two hundred knives?

Is he outside?

His memory is stuck only in the suffocating moment before the collapse.

I can't remember anything that follows.

So he frowned and thought.

It stands to reason that if the crow comes back, he should be by my side to guard me.

Then he just didn't come back last night!

Did something happen?

Last night, the strength of those spirit masters outside alone was so terrifying, and the Heavenly Crow was definitely no less than that.

Still, he believed in the Raven.

Inexplicable trust.

Just as the Raven is unconditionally loyal to him, he also believes in the Raven unconditionally.

He will definitely come back alive, with a smile.

So he waited quietly.

The sound of the bell ringing outside has been interrupted.

The wind chimes were in this dark room, looking around.

There are also rows of shelves against the wall, and everything on them is packed in boxes.

So, quietly walked over.

Let me come to Kangkang 200 knives to hide some good things.

As I walked, there was a faint pain in my butt.

But he didn't care, reached out and rubbed it twice, and then opened a square box, Wuhu!

A golden egg the size of a palm!

But what this thing is for, I don't know what the wind chimes are.

I don't know what it is, but it feels like it's worth a lot.

But he didn't choose to take it.

Being a human being, you really can't go too far!

After all, only two hundred knives were snatched yesterday.

Open another one.

Wow ~ another one!

So the wind chimes opened a blind box in a dark room full of black goods with two hundred knives.

It was all things he hadn't seen, but that was to say, he didn't take one.

There is still a bottom line to being human.

"Oh roar! Gili charms! "

Forget it, it's not funny.

"I want this!"

Directly into his pocket.

It was already robbed once yesterday, and it would be rude to rob again.

I took it secretly and gave him some face.

The two hundred knives outside seemed to hear the movement in the dark room, frowned, and walked over quickly.

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