"Why do you have to go to the shop of two hundred knives."

Xiao Yuan asked puzzled.

Legend has it that the two hundred knives were expelled from the Bai family because they killed people without blinking, killed innocents indiscriminately, and had a bad impact.

Hiding in the present world, he opened a commissary, and legend has it that it opened until late at night.

Dragged beautiful passers-by who came and went late at night into the commissary and kidnapped.

Then the Terran woman secretly traded with the demon race, which was very terrifying.

This kind of story that the little girl fears the most is this.

The Holy Lady is as beautiful as a fairy, what if she is fancy by those two hundred swords?

Although the saint girl is very talented, but she is still young, how can she fight two hundred knives that kill without blinking?

This is, of course, a rumor.

Two hundred knives were geniuses.

Suddenly leaving the Bai family caused quite a stir.

Many people's brains are open, their imaginations are flying, and all kinds of rumors are scattered.

The version that Xiao Yuan heard was not good.

She was just worried that something would happen to the Holy Daughter, plus a little timidity.

Ruo Qianyan actually has a lot of bodyguards around her, but she only likes to let Xiao Yuan be by her side.

Because the single name is a fennel, the name is symmetrical.

And the appearance is also very comfortable, and the symmetry of the left and right faces is very high.

Facing Xiao Yuan's doubts, Ruo Qianyan just said softly:

[When the sunrise rises in the east, darkness disappears in the center. 【

A demon lotus blooms under the Western Ghost Blade. Xiao

Yuan looked up at Ruo Qianyan, and inside:

The saint is saying things that people can't understand again!

Hey ~ Lord Saint is good at everything, but there are two problems, which cannot be changed so far.

One is: obsessive-compulsive disorder!

Late Symmetrical OCD!

She loves all symmetrical figures, things.

At the same time, disgust for all asymmetrical things, including people.

From time to time, they will get sick, and when they get sick, they will blindfold themselves and look at nothing.

The second is: always say something that ordinary people can't understand at all, and like to do some strange things based on these words.

Oh, and one more thing, since Xiao Yuan followed Ruo Qianyan, the Holy Lady has been looking for someone.

It is said that he is a person who can heal diseases.

"Saint, no, Yan Qianruo, what do you mean, I don't quite understand..." Ruo Qianyan

shook his head:

"I actually don't know, just guess, the Heavenly Crow may be there in the two hundred knives."

Cumin: ???

How can this be guessed?

Who the hell did you hear this?


"Wait, wait, wait! Sky Raven? "

Feng Family Heavenly Crow!?"

Xiao Yuan was shocked and quickly took Ruo Qianyan's hand.

"Miss! Are you going to find the crow!? "

She's already shaking, Tianrai?

That murderer, Sky Raven!

Legend has it that he is eight meters tall and a seventh-order imperial spirit master with one foot!

And this morning, the news that the Heavenly Crow killed the Bai family's nearly hundred spirit masters has spread.

After Xiao Yuan saw the news, her back was cold.

Two hundred knives for one pervert is enough, but also to face the sky crow?

How could it have been beaten!

"Miss! We can't go!

Xiao Yuan quickly took Ruo Qianyan's hand.

"Xiao Yuan's task is to protect you thoroughly, and you must not go to such a dangerous place!"

Her face was full of panic, and she forgot to explain her things lightly.

Ruo Qianyan was pulled by her, turned around and said softly:

"If you are afraid, you should go back first."

"Nope! Miss, you can't go! Because

of her small size, Xiao Yuan couldn't hold Ruo Qianyan, so he directly hugged her waist!

It caused people around him to look sideways for a while.

Ruo Qianyan was really helpless:

"Hey, I already knew I wouldn't take you out!"

Then a blow hit the back of Xiaodi's neck.

Xiao Yuan fell down in response, was picked up by Ruo Qianyan, and carried it on his shoulder.

Seeing this, the people around them all stared at Ruo Qianyan.

What happened?

Murder on the street?

Those gazes also attracted Ruo Yan to look at them.

Suddenly, she frowned, and her expression was a little painful.

Help me!

How is it all crooked dates?

Don't you want to be as comfortable as a cumin, and don't be so twisted?

She is not Yan Control, she is simply obsessive-compulsive.

This is a problem she has had since she was a child.

At first, there was just a particularly high paranoia about the symmetry of things.

After growing up, as I grew older, I began to demand a face.

Fortunately, the uncontrollable factor of hair has no effect and only targets the face.

The vast majority of people in this world have asymmetrical left and right faces.

Either the left side of the face is bigger, or the right face is bigger.

But for some people, the asymmetry is a bit overdone.

It's not offensive, but that kind of person can't be seen lightly!

That kind of person belongs to the crooked date level in Ruo Qianyan's eyes.

Some people are not so bad, and in Ruo Qianyan's eyes, they belong to the level that can barely be seen.

Some people have little difference between the left and right faces, which belong to those who are comfortable to look at, such as Xiao Fen.

There are also people whose faces are very symmetrical, and that kind of person may not necessarily look good.

But in the eyes of Ruo Qianyan, it is a pleasing level!

For example, if you look at yourself, the similarity between the left and right faces is very high.

But even she is not perfectly symmetrical on the left and right faces.

She has this disease from time to time.

When obsessive-compulsive disorder is committed, all the flaws in the world will be magnified in her eyes.

The cracks in the ground are asymmetrical.

The trees planted on both sides of the street are asymmetrical.

The trash can is asymmetrical.

Architectural asymmetry.

The whole world is asymmetrical!

Her scalp had begun to tingle, and goosebumps were all over her body.

It can be seen that the fingers are a little shaky.

Quickly closed his eyes.

Carrying the cumin in one hand, reaching behind his head with the other, he untied the black cloth wrapped around his hair with one hand.

The moment it was untied, a head of green silk fell on the shoulder like a waterfall....

This scene stunned many people.

Also fell on the shoulder, Xiao Yuan's face directly covered her.

Then Ruo Qianyan took the black cloth from her hair and tied it to those peerless eyes.

Obscuring his view.

In this way, she could not see the asymmetrical faces that made her uncomfortable.

At the same time, he muttered something in his mouth and slowly walked forward.

When passing by a stunned passerby, he heard Ruo Qianyan's mouth chanting:

"Parallelogram! Central symmetry!

"Regular triangle! Axial symmetry! "

Square! Axial symmetry! "




This beauty, isn't it... A little brain problem?

I suddenly remembered that in two days it would be the national exam.

Maybe she's memorizing math points?

The most amazing thing is that she is obviously blindfolded and carries a person, but she walks smoothly.

Such a delicate appearance, the power is actually so great.

Passers-by can't help but secretly take pictures.

Even if you cover your eyes, you can see Ruo Yan's stunning talent.

I posted it on the Internet, and I didn't know that I thought it was in cos2B sister.

Suddenly, Ruo Ruoyan stopped and turned to face a passerby.

"Hello, where is the 200 knife commissary?"

The passerby was shocked in his heart, didn't he blindfold and couldn't see me?

A little frightened:

"Two, two hundred knives commissary? This, I don't know. Ask the others!

"Okay, thanks."

Ruo Qianyan said very politely, then turned around and left.

She was even able to dodge obstacles blindfolded, so that the passerby couldn't help but whisper,


At this time, two hundred knives were in the commissary.

Wind Chimes was sitting very quietly on the cabinet of the 200-knife cash register.

Immersed in the exercises I brought from home.

He went to the toy store next door and bought a 10-dollar children's mask.

The appearance is a little funny, wear it on the face, and be a low-key person.

Of course, the 10 yuan on credit is the account of the two hundred knife shop, after all, the wind chimes now have zero assets.

He still had thousands of dollars in his original account for living expenses.

But don't think about it, it must have been frozen by the Bai family.

When he was doing the question, Erbai Dao was chatting casually with the Heavenly Crow next to him.

Laughing, they were all locked up in the dark room.

In order not to let the spirit master find out, the two hundred swords also set up an enchantment.

Enchantments can shield their demon qi.

Unless the other party's strength is above their own, no one can find it.

"Heavenly Crow, how did you manage to let this kid exude a feeling of spiritual power when he was in human form?"

When Wind Chime was a human, Erbai Dao could not feel his demon power, but felt a spiritual power.

He mistakenly thought that the Heavenly Crow had used some means to disguise the wind chimes as a spirit master to protect his safety.

Tiancrow smiled and looked at the wind chime:

"Young Lord, can you tell him?"

The wind chime head did not raise it:

"Whatever, you look at it, I'm doing the problem, don't bother me."

"Obey, Young Lord."

Two hundred knives sneered through their noses:

"It's mysterious."

Tiancrow just wanted to speak, but suddenly his eyes froze, and he turned his head to look outside the commissary.

A beautiful woman with a blindfolded head, carrying a little sister with a hooded head, stood outside the door.

"Excuse me, is it a two-hundred-knife commissary?"

The crisp, pleasant, and comfortable sound caused the two hundred knives to turn their heads and look over.

And wind chimes....

He may be behind his ear, still burying his head in math problems!

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