After scolding, he also changed the name of the account:

[Punch in the demon, the grandfather of the Ruo family! ] 】The

longer the name, the more awesome!

Then the claw machine threw it dashingly to the side.

This kind of account with two hundred knives special means to enter the network can not be found at all, and there is no need to go offline, which is really cool!

"Here, continue training!"

"It's best not to let me meet the Bai family's group of sluts tomorrow."

Today's wind chimes are particularly angry and extraordinarily positive.

However, this positivity and anger did not bring any benefit to his training.

Instead, it made him irritable.

"Young Lord, stop for a moment."

The sky crow interrupted the wind chime in time, and at this time, the wind chime's wrist was almost cut off by that feather!

He didn't even feel it.

Because of the awakening of demons and spirit masters, the tolerance for pain has increased a lot.

It was also that he was too angry and selfless.

The sky crow shouted at him, only to know that it hurt!

Tiancrow shook his head, took out a cigarette and smoked one.

Filled with smoke, he coughed and said

, "Young Lord, excess hatred will only affect your own state of mind."

Wind Chime supported his hand that was about to break, and said a little unpleasantly:

"Then what should I do?" Thanks to his grandmother's aunt for a different kind of red? "

Sky Raven: ???

"Eh, young master, what are you talking about?"

Wind Chimes shook his head:

"It's okay, hey. Then do you hate the Bai family?

Tiancrow nodded without hesitation:

"Hate, but I always know what to do."

Wind Chimes was silent for a while when he heard this, and nodded.

Dropped your right hand, switched to your left hand, and continued with level 15.

He also "thanks" in his mouth: "

I thank you M's umbilical cord for borrowing me to marinate pig intestines!"

"I thank your dad for the grace of dripping water in three seconds, Laozi laughs for a year!"

"I thank you for the hair that your grandfather lost and passed on to your leg hair."

"I thank you for curing my mental internal friction!"

"I thank you for your eldest nephew..." "I thank

you sister..." "I

thank you for your eldest cousin..."

Sky Raven: ???


Did you see that?

Your son!

How "polite? "

The crows are speechless.

But don't say it, it really works.

The wind chimes are obviously much calmer, and the movements on the hands are also very fast.

Although there was no clearance tonight.

Early the next morning, the first thing Wind Chimes did was see how his post went.

The funny thing is that the two kids who scolded him yesterday deleted the comments.

The wind chime directly kicked the nose on the face:

[Oh, Ruojia's little bag, why did you delete the comment?] Was it educated by your father, my son? Dare to talk to grandpa like that? 【

Big contrarian thing! 】 Don't let grandpa see you on North Street for a while! Or fuck you! Words

and minds!

One night has passed, and the number of views of this post has passed 500,000.

Whether it is in the Spirit Master Realm or the Demon Realm, it has been completely fired.

Bai Lingyun naturally saw this post.

"Damn, where did this stupid X come from, just checking in on North Street?"

"Director, presumably although the family does not say anything on the surface, it will definitely send many people there, shall we still go?"

Bai Lingyun said with a calm face:

"Go!" Why not go? Is my Bai family afraid of his family? "

This is one of Bai Lingyun's few opportunities, he must seize it!

Today, the sky dawned a little later than usual.

Wind Chimes turned to look out the window, it seemed to be raining.

This reminded him of the two Bai Family Spirit Masters who died under him.

I quickly glanced at the weather forecast, and sure enough, it turned to light rain.

So put on a black sweatshirt that was not very conspicuous.

Put on your hat, put on your mask, pull down your brim, pick up your black umbrella, and go out alone.

The sky crow hovers high in the sky.

People can't see him, and the spiritual master can't see him.

However, he can see everyone!

Wind Chimes chose to take the subway, but sat 5 stops in front of North Street.

The rest of the way is going to be walked through.

He guessed that the people of the Bai family would definitely guard the door of the subway station.

Fools sit on their heads.

When I walked out of the subway station, it happened that it was raining.

But it was so small that the wind chimes did not have an umbrella.

He likes the rain, the feeling of drizzle hitting his face, very comfortable.

So he raised his head, and the small raindrops hit his mask, making a clicking sound.

It made him realize:

Oh, I don't deserve rain right now....

I don't even have the freedom to get in the rain.

Pedestrians on the road quickened their pace, mouthing "

Oh, why is it raining!" What a shame! "

MD is going to be late for work."

At this time, a girl suddenly rushed out from the subway station exit behind the wind chime.

"Ah, bad, it's raining, I have to go to the store and buy an umbrella!"

"Ah! Help me!

She suddenly exclaimed!

Wind Chime didn't look back, thinking that a girl behind him had fallen at him.

Just turning his head, a claw machine flew in front of the wind chime.

Can anyone really lose their claw machine this year?

The wind chime subconsciously stretched out his hand, grabbed it casually, and clamped it firmly with two fingers.

Spinning the claw machine in his hand for a while, it finally fell back into his palm.

He turned around and tried to return it to its original owner, but the mask startled the girl.

Wind Chimes was also stunned for a moment, this girl....

It's the girl who wiped the next pit for 10,000 years that day!

"You, you, you mask, wow, scared me, but thank you! You're so fast! That's awesome! "


The girl smiled happily and gave the wind chime a thumbs up.

She is still wearing so pure and beautiful today.

But the wind chimes did not make a sound, afraid that she would recognize herself.

The capital is not small, this can be encountered, what a hell.

The girl said thank you and left.

Wind chimes, it's time to go.

Slowly stepped towards the road to North Street.

"Young Lord, as you expected, the courtiers went to the front to take a look."

"There are also many spirit masters from the Ruo family, even more than the people of the Bai family."

"However, it's all the younger generation. With these people, I am afraid that it is not enough to resist those old things of the Bai family. "

It's amazing that the crows are high in the sky and can still talk to wind chimes.

What Wind Chimes wants to say only needs to be said in the heart.

"Unfortunately, it would have been better if it could have been later."

Wind Chimes felt sloppy.

You should send a few more teaser stickers to let Ruojia jump when you are in a hurry.

But it doesn't matter, the wind chimes have long thought of a way.

As he walked, Wind Chimes heard a familiar voice.

[Damn, if it weren't for the mentor not letting me talk to that check-in demon, I would have scolded him out of today!] [

Hey, Xiaofeng, you nizi, your temperament is still too anxious. 【

How can I not be in a hurry, Brother Tianyu! 】 That guy is singled out for our disgusting. [

Also, did you see his name changed?] And the morning reply, wow... me off! 】

【Hey, it's a pity that the area we patrolled today is not on North Street, otherwise I must look good at that bastard! 】 【

Punch in the demon! 】 I'm not done with you! Wind

Chime turned his head and looked at two spiritual masters, a man and a woman.

Xiaofeng and Guo Tianyu!

People who met in the Bauhinia Palace before.

Wait a minute, it turns out that the person who was deleted last night is you who stepped on the horse.


What TM is called surprise?

The wind chimes under the mask couldn't help but smile.

Suddenly, he shouted at a place where no one was:

"Punch the demon! Don't run!

Then he ran quickly, and this sound also attracted the attention of Xiaofeng and Tianyu.

The two looked at each other.

Xiao Feng rushed out directly:

"Keep up!"

In this drizzle, several golden rays flashed.

Xiao Feng and Guo Tianyu both used the Body Magic Technique to speed up their speed.

However, wind chimes will too.

You may not believe it, I learned it online for free!

One hand sealed, chanting in the mouth, and the golden light on the body was shining.

Directly threw off Xiaofeng and Guo Tianyu, who were close to him.

He also didn't expect that what he learned online for free was actually faster than the two peripheral disciples of the Ruo family?

In fact, it is because of his own strong attributes.

Xiao Feng saw that he couldn't keep up, and quickly shouted:

"Hey! That spirit master in front! Wait for us!

The wind chimes did not reply:

"Wait for what! The check-in monsters are running away!

At the same time, he shouted in his heart:

"Heavenly Crow, help me solve the two of them, I want the clothes on them!"

The Heavenly Crow in the sky saw this scene and said softly:

"Young Lord, these two people are not strong, but I think you can use them to practice your hands."

"Just look at how much you have improved during this time."

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