Seeing that the girl looked like she was about to cry, Wind Chime couldn't help but smile and said, "

Am I so scary? I'm just inviting you to my birthday party, don't think too much about the girl, even if you don't agree and don't give me face, I won't bulldoze your Song family, don't worry.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but complain in their hearts: The

focus of your sentence is the second half!

Where could this girl stand such a threat as a wind chime, and she was so frightened that she quickly agreed to him.

Wind Chime put down the auspicious talisman with great satisfaction and took out his claw machine:

"Transfer or scan the code?"

"Ahhh... I... Do I pay? "

Huh? You're not going to give money? "

Give! I give! So

the poor girl immediately transferred thirty thousand yuan to the wind chime.

After turning, he looked at the other compatriots at the table with a grievance, and his face was full of writing: Why

don't you help me speak!

The other compatriots didn't even dare to look at the wind chimes just now, let alone help her speak.

I turned my head to look at Yan Dingyun, but I didn't know when Yan Dingyun had left here.


Bang -

Yan Dingyun roared angrily, and then slammed a fist on the wall.

It seems that the wall in front of him is imagined as a wind chime.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, but there was nothing he could do.

"Wind chimes

..." At this time, Xia Hua slowly walked from a distance, Yan Dingyun noticed that the master was coming, and his face immediately turned red

: "Master..."

Xia Hua smiled and said:

"Good job, you came hard."

"This... Master praised.

Xia Hua came over and patted him on the shoulder:

"No need to be humble, you have done a lot better than I thought."

After all, he was so angry that he smashed a wall.

"Master... The apprentice still didn't understand why he had done this.

After Xia Hua was silent for a moment, he said softly:

"Do you know why Liu Bang can have the last laugh in the Chu-Han dispute?"

Yan Dingyun was silent for a while, and said lightly:

"He knows how to follow the will of the people, and he is extremely good at using people."

Xia Hua nodded:

"Back then, the Feng family and the spirit master world were just like the dispute between Chu and Han, but the role of the Feng family at that time was more like Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu."

"Today's wind family, a little different, wind chimes are even more difficult to figure out than his father, this son is extremely thoughtful, seems to do things wrong, but in fact they all have their own way of acting, dealing with them, everything must be carefully considered. Don't take it lightly.

Yan Dingyun frowned and thought, then Xia Hua smiled and patted his shoulder again:

"His birthday party next month will be a tough battle, come on."

Yan Dingyun: ???

You mean I'm going?

Didn't you promise! How did I go?

"The chess game is changing, the advantages and disadvantages are difficult to decide, and no one can say the end until the end. Everything that happens today is just your move, what to do next, think for yourself.

After saying that, Xia Hua left with a smile, leaving Yan Dingyun alone

at this time, the wind chimes also returned to their seats, took out the auspicious charm, and handed it to the ten miles of ghosts:

"Help Laozi to sell tickets, bah, send invitations."

Shili Ghost's expression suddenly became hideous:

"You let me go?"

Don't you have a long hand yourself?

The second half of the sentence did not say, he knew what the consequences would be after he finished speaking.

After all, he is also a demon king, and he still wants face.

At this time, the wind chimes smiled and said:

"Xiaoxiao, you are with him, look at him." Don't be afraid, I'm here.

"Good young master!"

Shili Ghost's eyes widened, and he immediately snatched the auspicious talisman in Wind Chime's hand:

"Go and go, hum!"

When he turned his head to look at the smile, the fierceness on his face immediately disappeared, and he said happily:

"Let's go."

Smiling and laughing:

"Okay, hehe."

Wind Chime looked at the book-like speed of changing faces of the ten miles of ghosts, and couldn't help but be happy.

I saw him walk in front of a table of people, slap the auspicious charm in his hand on the table, and his eyes widened:

"Cash or transfer!" I advise you not to be ignorant. "

Simple and rude!

Wind chimes flew a QR code card from afar, and for today, he had already printed his collection code.

At this time, those media people, like bold, walked towards the wind chime.

"That, Young Master of the Feng Family, can I interview you."

It's the first time I've seen standing so far away to say that I want to interview, and my arm may not reach the wind chimes with the microphone straight.

Wind Chime smiled and said,

"Of course."

As soon as they heard that the wind chimes spoke so well, those media were overjoyed and bold, and immediately came over:

"Excuse me, which camp is the Feng family." Is it doing things for the spirit master, or is it mainly helping the demon race?

"We don't do things for anyone."

When the media man heard this, he immediately said:

"So it means that the Feng family only pursues the interests of its own family, and does whatever is profitable, right?"

Wind Chimes were stunned when they heard this, how did you say the words in my heart? No... How do you interpret it?

Does what I said have anything to do with this thing?

After thinking about it, I couldn't help but smile and shook my head:



I mean, I can do whatever I want, you?"

The media person was stunned when he heard this, and his expression suddenly became ugly.

Sure enough, it's not that good to talk!

It's to trick me into embarrassing me!

"Oh yes... One more thing. Wind

Chime suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but smile:

"Give me the microphone."

He said and took the microphone directly from the media person:

"Take this opportunity to release a demon hunting revelation."


Demon Quest for Revelation?

"I think everyone has also seen that my Feng family now has only five demon bosses."

"The remaining four demon bosses, I don't know if you can see it, if you can, I want to say that you are welcome to go home at any time."

"If anyone sees them, tell me that the Feng family will be rewarded!"

After speaking, people's faces were strange and shocked.

It's just that the five demon kui are already like this, if you let all the nine demon kui of the Feng family return to their places, wouldn't it be lawless?

Moreover, can the people who see them really survive....

After speaking, Wind Chime smiled and returned the microphone to the shocked media person.

That media person inside:

broken... I seem to have done something terrible.

Lend the microphone to the wind chimes to release the family search inspiration... If it's a normal family, forget it, but he is a wind chime!

He had already begun to worry about whether he would be fired when he went back, and he immediately lost his mind, and forgot all the questions he wanted to ask.

At this time, another media person immediately walked over and opened his mouth to Wang Fried:

"Young Master of the Feng Family, are you preparing to marry Lord Saint?" When to get married? "

Ruo Qianyan's hand in the other world suddenly twitched, looking at the wind chimes on the screen of the claw machine, and meditated in his heart:

Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense....

Xiao Yuan didn't look at it originally, but when he heard this, he immediately paid attention again.

The corners of Wind Chime's mouth raised:

"Marriage is definitely going to be done, but when it has not been decided, I have to go home and discuss with my wife." However, rest assured, on the day of the wedding, everyone will be invited to attend.

Then the media man asked again, "

Who are you listening to at home?"

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