What was that golden light just now?

Wind chimes don't have the energy to think about this now.

What happened in front of him made his heart beat involuntarily.

Don't find me, don't find me....

Then the two men quickly ran past the wind chime.

The moment he ran over, Wind Chime rolled his eyes and looked over.

It is a pair of young men and women wearing ancient Chinese costumes, and it is actually quite normal to dress like this in this ancient monument.

But they all had a golden word printed on their backs: [Ruo]

Two spirit masters ran to the dead monster.

One of the girls smiled and said

, "It's really good luck, second-order monster, big supplement!"

"Shh, Xiaofeng, pay attention to your words, be careful that being supervised will be fined." The

people around heard the two of them talking, and some looked at her, wondering what they were doing.

But the wind chimes did not dare to look, and while their attention was not on their bodies, they quickly slipped away


and immediately turned around and walked in the other direction, while praying in their hearts:

Don't find me!


Xiao Feng suddenly shouted.

Wind Chimes heard her running towards herself, and the footsteps were getting closer.

There was already a little panic in his heart, but he didn't run.

He chose to believe the Raven!

Of course, you can't run, all of them are spirit masters here, but Tiancrow and Xiaoxiao don't know where to go

!" "I'll let you stop!"

Wind Chime's heart shook, how did she come over?


he pretended to be flustered and glanced left and right at the people around him.

He wanted to find Tiancrow and Xiaoxiao, big brother

, what about you two!? Come and escort

! Laozi is in danger

! Although he was panicked in his heart, but the wind chime's brain was not confused, and he was shocked:

"Wow! Beauty! Are you the wind!

Then walked a few steps and sniffed the body of the wind chime with his nose.

Seeing this, Wind Chimes took two steps back, held up his hand in front of him

, and said with a smile: "This is not okay beauty? I am a serious person, if you want to contact 50, hug 100, kiss 300, 1000 a night, clearly marked price Tong Suo no deception~ By the way, in the next person to send the nickname, Jingcheng Shichiro!" Xiao

Feng frowned at the pair of willow leaf eyebrows when he heard this, looked the wind chimes up and down again, and said with a disgusted expression: "

Scum!" "

Hey, why do you little girl scold people? Isn't it a little more expensive? You get what you pay for! Seven times! How much is an average time?"

said Wind Chime, and raised his eyebrows with a smile.


Xiao Feng gave Wind Chime a fierce look, walked behind him, and muttered in his mouth when he passed by

: "You scum, why aren't you eaten?" Wind

Chime still had a smile on his face, turned his head to look, but secretly cursed in his heart

: He looked like a pure look, didn't expect to be so vicious?

At this time, another male spirit master glanced at Wind Chime in the distance behind Wind Chime and asked Xiao Feng:

"What's wrong?"

"I smelled a demon qi on him just now, but the wind dispersed as soon as it blew, it was not emitted from his body, it should have been rubbed by other demons.

"In this way, it seems that there are many demons coming to this palace today, let's look around again."

Xiao Feng nodded and

said with a smile: "I thought that no demon dared to come here, so I don't put our Ruojia in my eyes? It seems that this week's tasks don't have to worry! After this week, my credits will be enough!" Another

male spirit master said with a smile:

"Well, but you still have to be careful, all the demons I caught will be counted for you, you don't need to be too anxious." "

Thank you Brother Tianyu~

" The two spoke in a very small voice, but although the wind chime's hearing is not as outrageous as the half-demon form, it is still not as strong as ordinary people, and he can hear it clearly!

Before leaving, Xiaofeng also glared at

the wind chime: "What to see? Do you want to die?" The

corner of the wind chime's mouth tugged, and he secretly scolded in his heart: I

wish you not enough credits this week, Wang Ba Lamb.

After the two left, Wind Chimes were much more cautious.

The Ruo family that the man mentioned just now should be their family name.

Later, I met several people dressed in ancient Chinese costumes, and they all had a character embroidered behind them.

This time, the wind chimes all go around them to avoid doing nothing.

I thought that maybe my family had fallen in the road, and the territory was occupied by this Ruo family.

"Young Lord, here and here ~ go to the left-hand side~" The

laughing voice suddenly sounded, and the wind chimes immediately listened to her words and walked towards the left-hand side.

Guided by a smile, he came to the outside of a building.

There were three big words written outside the door: Wind Chimes in the Cleansing Room:


he found that he was thinking too much.

What prince, is my father

a eunuch? No, how did I come to the words of a eunuch?

"Come on, young lord~"

Urged with a smile, the wind chime walked in hard.

At this time, there are many tourists in the clean room.

There are all kinds of shocking things inside, which is painful.

Wind Chimes couldn't help but wonder in his heart:

This broken place, there are still people to see?

The tourists who come in for sightseeing seem to be women!

This can't help but make the wind chimes cooler.

What are the ingredients of these women, it is very easy to understand....

"Young Lord, go to the left, behind the bookshelf of the innermost hut!" Wind

Chimes tried not to attract the attention of others, and walked to the back of a bookshelf according to the smile and direction.

Suddenly, there was darkness in front of him, and a huge force came, and he was pulled into the darkness.

When he opened his eyes again, countless pairs of scarlet demon pupils in front of him were staring at him.

"Welcome the young lord home!"

shouted the Heavenly Raven.

Then the other monsters also drank loudly in unison, and the sound was deafening.

Wind chimes are afraid of being heard by outsiders.

Wind chimes felt that those eyes were a little oozing, so he took out the claw machine in his pocket with one hand.

I turned on the flashlight and shone those red eyes.

In the dark space, there was a sudden ghost cry and wolf howl:

"Ah Zhuo! My eyes

!" "Young Lord spare your life! Young Lord!" "Wow~" "

Young Lord! Quickly collect the magical power

!" "Oh my God! Young Lord! The minister knows that he is wrong! Spare his life!" It

was like you turned off the light and were looking at the study materials, and your dear mother suddenly turned on the light in the room, suffocating.

Just that photo, the scalp of the wind chimes was numb!

Those monsters in front of them were all wearing the clothes of those eunuchs in the ancient Chinese Palace.

Although they are all human, if you look closely, you can see that they are not people at all.

The golden red demon pupils didn't say anything, just look at the festering appearance on each of them.

Some even have only the upper body, some have long tongues outstretched, some have their heads cut off in half, and some have no limbs.

Wind Chimes glanced at it, in this dark space, there were nearly a thousand monsters, all of them castrated people left over from ancient times!

On the other hand, the smile is jumping happily:

"Haha~ The young lord is so powerful! The young lord is so powerful!" Through

the light, the wind chime glanced at the sky crow next to him, and he still had a kind smile on his face.

Then, the wind chime tapped the button on the claw machine and turned off the flashlight.

The world is dark again:

"Okay, stop arguing, I'm already off." "

Although the demon in front of me looks terrifying, it is much better than the two that Wind Chimes have seen before.

This makes the wind chimes a little relieved.

"Thank you, Lord Longen!"

said a youkai tremblingly, followed by the other eunuchs.

You can see their demon pupils rising and falling, and they should be kowtowing.

"Young Lord, you don't have to open that thing, you can see it clearly. Saying

that, the Heavenly Crow slowly raised his hand, and with a hook of his fingers, a black qi burst out from the body of the wind chime.

At the same time, Wind Chime's heart slammed

into it! The feeling of blood flowing backwards before hit again, and Wind Chime snorted in pain.

The five senses were raised again, and the dark world in front of him suddenly brightened.

The wind chimes can now see much more clearly than before turning on the flashlight.

Then Tiancrow knelt on one knee with a smile:

"Young Lord, the minister has been waiting for you for many years!"


Frankly, Wind Chimes is a little resistant in my heart.

Although the sky crow saved him, the wind chime still wanted to be a human.

Once under the control of those blacks, he imagined his future free life countless times.

He wanted to go to college, he wanted to make a lot of friends, he wanted to talk to a girlfriend he really liked and take her around the world.

I want to be a scholar, I want to be a businessman, or I want to be a writer, a photographer, a UP owner, I want to open a coffee shop, I want to be a laid-back little boss.

In short, he wanted freedom.

And in the freedom he wanted, there was no option to become a demon king.

He wants to live the life he wants, not to live for others by following the goals and tasks imposed on him by others.

"Hurry up. Wind

Chimes stepped forward and quickly helped the Heavenly Crow up.

When the crow looked up, the wind chimes saw the crystal tears in his eyes in a trance.

This surprised him a little.

Just because of his return, he made such a strong man cry with one punch who can blast the wall and soar freely in the sky?

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