Newborn monsters?

In the blink of an eye, five people died?

There are five more humanized monsters?

The five people who died all turned into demons?

Seal empty door, why don't you care?

He's been watching over town, right?

He should be able to spot the abnormality at the first time.

The seventh-order Imperial Spirit Master made a move, can't he stop it?

This monster that suddenly appeared felt as if it was specially designed for this new birth.

Or are these monsters summoned by Yin Kongmen?

Use the price of human lives to let everyone improve their strength?

When running to the north of the town, Wind Chimes suddenly thought of the name of the town.

【No. 39 Demon Examination Town】There

is a strange feeling.

"Chu Sheng, do you know what Demon Examination Town is?"

He turned his head and asked Chu Sheng, who was running beside him.

"Huh? I don't know, I haven't heard of it, what's wrong?

"It always feels a little

strange..." "Harm, the name of the spirit master has always been so strange."

At this time, Xi Ran next to him suddenly spoke:

"That, I seem to know a little..."

"It is said that the people in the Demon Examination Town... All of them are vicious, death row prisoners. "


Chu Sheng showed a surprised expression.

In Wind Chime's mind, the picture of entering this town during the day today flashed.

The smile on the faces of those people suddenly became terrifying.

He suddenly understood why they were smiling so happily.

Can a death row prisoner, on such an island, live a life like a paradise, not happy?

No wonder, no wonder on this desert island, there is such an inexplicable town.

This is a town of sin!

No wonder Yin Kong Gate doesn't care if they live or die.

No wonder those three didn't look like good people.

However, there are still some things that don't make sense, but now the wind chimes, there is no effort to think about it.

After a while, the three stopped:

"Strange, we have reached the north." Where are the monsters?

"If my Horcrux is there, I'll definitely find it right away!"

So Chu Sheng raised his head and shouted:

"Division commander! Give me back my horcruxes! "

That's when Wind Chimes thought of something.

North, a thousand sheep, three?

It won't be... That alley, right!?

"Chu Sheng! Follow me! "

Wind chimes remember the way, turn left, turn right, go straight, turn right!

Before I reached my destination, I heard the child's cry!

Wind Chime's heart tightened, was it really something wrong with those who came to them before?

"Aaaah! Father! Whining... Father! "

The voice for help came from inside that alley.

Wind Chime's eyes froze, and while speeding up, his hands were sealed: [

Demon Binding Technique]!

Chu Sheng turned his head and looked, a little puzzled, he didn't even see the target, what are you tying up?

But when he ran to the mouth of the alley, he was surprised to find it.

All the monsters in this alley are all wrapped in golden chains by wind chimes!

The thousand-faced sheep, like a rockery several meters high, was huge.

It was covered with a white, mad sheep-shaped mask.

On each sheep's face, there is a pair of scarlet demon pupils.

Countless demon pupils, in this darkness, flashed red.

At the waist in the middle of it, a large mouth of blood is held, holding half of the human body....

The ground was littered with stumped limbs and severed arms.

Two children threw themselves on the ground with broken limbs and broken arms, crying in sharp voices.

There was another, standing dumbly in front of the thousand-faced sheep, muttering the word dad in his mouth.

None of them could see the monster.

I only saw that my father, inexplicably, was torn to shreds!

Blood flowed down the dark body of the thousand-faced sheep, and the entire alley was filled with a pungent smell of blood.

After being bound by wind chimes, it continues to struggle.

Half of the corpse fell from its mouth, which made it very angry.

Meh –

it feels like you're going to break free in the next second, which is scary.

And the three strong men before, their souls, all separated from their bodies at this time.

It became a spirit body, that is, a demon form.

It can be seen that they want to pounce on the thousand-faced sheep and stop it from devouring their children.

However, their appearance at this time is very ugly and terrifying.

Wind Chimes had never seen such an ugly humanoid monster.

This is what they are, the soul itself.

As three vicious murderers....

And can you beg them, what kind of good-looking soul do you have?

Those three demons were all bound by wind chimes.

As first-order monsters, they couldn't break free from the shackles of wind chimes.

Chu Sheng looked at the wind chimes with some disbelief.

He does not understand, the wind chimes do not see the target, how to determine the target location?

How to use demon binding to bind all the monsters accurately?

"Why are you stunned! Save them! Wind

Chime shouted, continuing to increase the transmission of spiritual power, he wanted to save these three children.

Although he robbed them during the day, he still had to save them.

Even if their father is a criminal, he has to be saved.

The father is a criminal, but the child is not, they are not guilty!

In his perception, it was like this.

And he felt that this was how it should be!

Because, he himself, is like this!

As the son of a demon king, is he guilty?

As a child of a demon, is he guilty?


So, he wants to implement this belief.

Otherwise, you are denying yourself.

"Demon Binding Technique!"

Xi Ran also shouted, once again putting a layer of insurance on the thousand-faced sheep who was about to break free from the shackles of the wind chimes.

Just in case, Chu Sheng also unleashed the same spiritual technique.

The magnitude of the struggle of the thousand-faced sheep is much smaller than it can be seen with the naked eye.

The three quickly pulled the three children out of the small alley.

Wind Chimes walked one after walking, he always felt something strange, and looked back from time to time.

Chu Sheng shouted:

"Wind chime, let's give it the final blow together, and then you swallow it!" Big Supplement!

Wind Chime nodded, how could the three of them just want to make a move, and the thousand-faced sheep in front of them suddenly exploded with black qi.

Meh -

energy explodes....


- pitch-black demon qi instantly shrouded this alley, covering the sight of the three people.

"Not good! It's three steps! Let's retreat first!

Chu Sheng shouted in horror.

But in the darkness, I heard the sound of footsteps.

The sound seems to be coming from the wind chime.

In the next second, a golden light flashed in the black fog ahead.

At the same time, the sound of the wind chimes came in the darkness

: "Thunder Fist" [Thunder Fist

: Second-order spiritual art, there is a very small probability of triggering heavenly thunder and producing a critical attack! ] Up to the next step can kill a fourth-order demon spirit. But

the probability is extremely low, one in a thousand.

However, critical strikes are heaven's reward for the brave!

When his punch, flashing with thunder, landed on one of the faces of the thousand-faced sheep.

Boom -

a heavenly thunder, falling from the sky, penetrating the fog, splitting the confusion, illuminating this dark corner.


An explosion sounded, followed by thunder!

Nourish -


When the demon qi gradually dissipated.

Wind Chimes stood ahead, his feet scorched black and smoking.

His hair fluttered in the wind, and he held a cloud of scarlet flame in his hand.

That is, demon.

He stood there and looked back at Chu Sheng with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Chu Sheng felt that the wind chimes in front of him were a little strange.

Both he and Xi Ran looked at him in surprise.

Critical hit!?


Wind Chime turned around and smiled:

"Don't you know that the moment he advances is when he is weakest?"

Even if you don't crit, that punch can easily solve the thousand-faced sheep in the instant of promotion.

Moreover, the thousand-faced sheep just turned into a demon tonight.

These are, of course, learned by wind chimes from the Internet.


Chu Sheng scratched his head a little embarrassed:

"Of course I know, then why don't you want to, what if when you run in front of him, his promotion is over?"

Wind Chimes smiled and said, "

Then I'm not a crit?"

Chu Sheng shook his head:

"No, it's still too dangerous!"

Wind Chime smiled and didn't speak again.

That's why there is such a sentence:

[Critical strike, is heaven, the reward of the brave! ] 】

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