
I think I'm going to Barbie Q.

The wind chimes were in a daze.

Needless to say, he could guess.

In anime, on TV, in novels....

The final outcome of this kind of thing is usually to explode and die, right?

If it's just three or four orders, or even five or six orders, it's okay.

I'm afraid that if it's only a seventh-order demon lord, or an eighth-order demon leader, that's really finished.

At this time, it was like an extra bomb in his body.

And the auspicious charm is the lead of that bomb, tearing it off, it is equivalent to detonating!

Otherwise, he would have exploded directly just now.

I unilaterally declare that the auspicious charm is the greatest invention of the demon world in the 22nd century!


not! Tear

off the auspicious charm

! Survive this time, wait for the holiday to go back to find the crow!

The spirit master should take a holiday, right?

At the same time, you must also improve your strength as soon as possible, not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

"Wind chimes, how are you?" Yin

Kongmen, who had been calm on weekdays, actually had a hint of panic on his face.

Because of the wind chimes, but the owner of the family named the person who asked for it.

Wind Chimes came back to their senses and thought for a moment, or don't tell them about it.

After that, if you catch yourself and check and find the auspicious charm on your butt, it will be even worse.

So there was a sudden smile on his face:

"It's okay, what can happen? Isn't this good? MD scares me! What the hell?"

said and glanced back, pretending to be afraid to stay away from the stone tablet.

Yin Kongmen felt a hint of strangeness, and frowned:

"Are you okay? I just saw a demon qi rush into your body!"

Saying that,

Yin Kongmen reached out and wanted to step forward to check the body of the wind chime.

Wind Chimes quickly dodged with a look of disgust

: "What for? Touch 50!" Everyone

: ???

Why doesn't this person know how to be evil?

After all, Yin Kong Gate is, a seventh-order Imperial Spirit Master!

Then he quickly said:

"What, that monster wants to kill me, I swallowed one of them, isn't it too much

?" "Could it be that you still want me back


?" "What?"

The surrounding freshmen were shocked again.

"He actually swallowed a monster in the Demon Monument!?" "

Really fake!" Ye

Qian, who was standing in the distance, also looked at the wind chimes in shock.


Chimes is not only calmer and calmer than her in front of the demon monument.

She even devoured a youkai

, but the more she did, the harder she became.

Yin Kongmen still frowned and said

: "How do you know the devouring method of the Demon Monument

?" Wind Chime sneered:

"Is it difficult?"


could think so, or thanks to this time, the wind chimes were far beyond everyone's understanding.

From the moment he arrived at that trial island, no matter what it was, he could always find another solution.

And just now, the wind chime was able to realize the spiritual power operation mode of [Wind and Thunder Lightning] [Mountain and River Breaking] by itself.


Okay, your kid is lucky, there are not many low-level monsters in this town demon monument, basically some high-level monsters, and they are preparing to replenish them after a while." I didn't expect that the few left, swallowed for you. "

Wind Chimes: ???


I wish it were the few left!"


Which youkai did you devour and what skill did you awaken?"

asked Inkongmen again.

Wind Chimes just smiled mysteriously:

"Don't tell you." "

Inkong Gate: .

. "If you don't say it, I also know that there are so many third-order monsters in the stele. Wind

Chimes smiled:

"But each monster has several skills, you can't guess, right?

This guy is very savvy, but he really owes a beating.

Everyone: ...

He's such a!"


Yin Kong Men doesn't have a good airway.

Wind Chimes smiled, quickly walked the ball, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart!

Returned to the team, Ruo Qianyan didn't know when, he had already gone back.

He glanced at her unconsciously.

This time, she didn't look at herself.

However, she was frowning and thinking about something....

Wind Chimes had a bad premonition in his heart.

Don't think about it!"

Thank you just now. "

Directly step forward to interrupt her casting.

Ruo Qianyan was stunned when he heard this, raised his head, and his eyebrows stretched slightly:

"Thank what?" "

Didn't you also want to save me just now?

People around: ???


"No, change whoever it is, I will save it." "

Worthy of a saint!"

said Wind Chimes with a smile.

After speaking, he didn't stay too much and walked to Chu Sheng's side.

In front of everyone, he said something to Chu Sheng.

"Really fake?" Chu

Sheng looked at the wind chime in surprise.

Wind Chimes told him how to pass this test.

"Then I'll try.

"No hurry, wait a minute.

He quickly stopped Chu Sheng.

There was a problem with the demon monument just now, and the wind chime didn't know if it was because of its own problem or if there was a problem in the first place.

Be steady, let Chu Sheng wait, and see the situation first.

He kept thinking about what he had just heard, what several monsters said in the town demon monument.

[Is that person?

] [Scum of

the demon race...] [Kill him!]

It is definitely not the wind chime, it is very likely, it is also a half-demon wind...

Why do you say

that? Could it be that the father has a leg with the Ruo family

? He betrayed his

little brother? No, it should not be the little brother, if it is the little brother....

The monster in the demon monument in the town probably knelt down and shouted:

[Young Lord~ Take me away!]

Then it should be the enemy.

It's over....

My father's enemy entered my body!

Yin Kongmen stepped forward to check the Demon Monument.

Immediately send a message to the head of the household.

The Demon Zhen Monument seems to have some problems, and I want to ask Ruo Tinghan if he wants to continue this test.

In fact, leading these new students to experience the Demon Monument was Ruo Tinghan's idea.

In the lobby of the house:

"The head of the house, Yin Kong Gate asked whether the assessment would continue." "

Go on.


said Ruo Han and slowly stood up.

Smiled and said to Lei Jing and Bai Qiling next to him:

"Two, there is something in the next place, you need to leave for a while, and the freshman assembly in the back will bother the two to help preside."

Lei Jing: ???

go now, what do you mean?

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