My Hand Can Reach Into Anime, And I Will Take Out The Holy Grail At The Beginning!

Chapter 6 Su Yan's Mental Image Of The Magic Circuit!

But next.

When Su Yan wants to take something more heavyweight.

But it was not taken out again.


Su Yan saw that his fingertips had already grasped the hairy hair of King Daimao.

But he didn't pull out the dumb hair or bring out the dumb hair king.

Can't help but wonder.

"How is this going?"

Su Yan asked about the system.

It doesn't make sense that he was able to take out the Holy Grail earlier.

But there was no way to bring out the dull Mao King.

[Back to Host, items other than concept dresses. 】

[Such as the Holy Grail or characters in anime. 】

[Only after the next time the host improves his strength, he can use the omnipresent system and get the chance to take it. 】

"I see."

Su Yan let go of the hand that was holding Damao King Damao with some pity in his heart.

A thoughtful look appeared on his face.

You must know that he is now using two systems.

One is the way of a mechanic.

The other is the pseudo-awakened person, that is, the path of the magician.

However, both paths are measured by combat power.

Like his novice level.

500 combat power can enter the first level.

Level 2 requires 1000 combat power.

The third level is 1500 combat power.

Level ten is the requirement for 5000 points of combat power.

After the tenth level, every level up requires 1000 points of combat power.

The further you go, the more combat power points you need.

The more difficult it is to increase combat power.

Very simple and rough classification, but just right for Su Yan who is afraid of trouble and doesn't want to memorize any special names and grades.

I don't know if I can exploit any loopholes.

For example, a mechanic gets a chance to take it once when he upgrades to a level.

Awakened people get another chance to take it after upgrading to a level.

Su Yan thought so in his heart.

Also asked the system.

After getting an affirmative answer, Su Yan couldn't help showing a smile on Jōnin's face.

"Then the next chance to get it will come soon!"

After all, the initial combat power is 500 points.

It will be available soon.

If a mechanic wants to be promoted to the first level, he must go through systematic study after entering school.

But the talent of a magician, Su Yan can start practicing now.

At the thought of being able to use the Myriad of Things system as long as you upgrade to the first level.

He wants to start training now!

You need to know when he was so passionate last time.

Still watch the Rainbow team play basketball, open the zone and kill tennis!

No more nonsense.

Su Yan wears an elegant concept dress.

The moment when the dress equipment is put on.

Su Yan's expression paused subtly, and then let out a long breath.

To put it more simply.

Su Yan felt his current state.

It's like a traveler in the desert drinking water.

I glanced at the time, at this point in time.

The gates should still be open.

"Let's go outside the city for a while."

Su Yan decided to go to the spiritual vein on the mountain outside the city to fill up the magic power in his body.

After all, relying on the magic power of the hyena itself is a bit too much.

Although there is a dress to support it.

But it is still necessary to find a reliable way to convert natural vitality into magic power.

And Rishang Mountain in his city is connected by a small vein.

It's just right for converting to mana drain.

Su Yan walked out of the house, went outside, and walked all the way in the direction of the school.

Just walked for a while.

Su Yan felt his steps began to become heavy.

It was as if a big rock was pressing on him.

There are even a lot of shadows dangling in front of my eyes.

It's like being under an illusion, it's Lu Li's.

Realized that something abnormal was happening to him.

Su Yan stopped his footsteps.

Release mental power to check his physical condition.

This is of course not his fault.

It was because the magic power in his body began to grow under the blessing of the concept dress.

In addition, he has not closed the magic circuit.

As a result, the magic power in the body grew to a critical value and began to overflow.

Su Yan immediately closed his magic circuit, which made him feel better.

"The hallucination just now should be the mental image of opening the magic circuit?"

Su Yan speculated.

He also thought he had the hyena's magic circuit.

It is the mental image that will strike iron like a coyote.

Unexpectedly, it was a cluster of afterimages.

But Su Yan soon felt relieved.

After all, the same ability manifests itself differently in different people.

Then it is normal for him to have differences from coyotes.

At this time, Su Yan, who was thinking about these things, had already reached the mountainside of Rishang Mountain.

"Just start here."

Su Yan closed his eyes, thinking about the weapons in the Holy Grail War that could be reproduced by hyenas.

But the amount of his current magic power is obviously not enough to reproduce those.

Decided to start with the most basic go-getter, Moxie.

"Projection, start!"

Su Yan let out a low drink.

Two black and white swords appeared in his hands.

The black one is the Yang sword general, and the white one is the Yin sword Moxie.

Feel the light weight in your hands.

Su Yan looked down.

"In appearance, it is almost a perfect replica of Ganjiang Moxie."

But the weight doesn't feel right.

Kind of like hollow.

Su Yan slightly squeezed Mo Xie, the general in his hand.


The first projection only lasted for a while before it shattered and fell from Su Yan's hand to the ground.

The projected go-getter Mo Xie shattered so quickly.

It is because there are only shapes but no internal structure.

Su Yan closed his eyes and reflected for a while, recalling the feeling of analyzing and constructing the red ace in the first projection.

After repeating it several times.

Su Yan opened his eyes again with a clear look in his eyes.

"Identifying Creative Ideas."

"Imagine the basic skeleton, copy the constituent materials, and imitate the production technology."

Su Yan said a few words silently in his heart.

Start projecting again!

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